General Discussion

General DiscussionI fake afk...

I fake afk... in General Discussion
flourishing new leaf

    And last pick Priestess of the Moon every single fucking game...

    Sue me fucktards, if you mark your fucking lane and want it so fucking bad and you're supposedly so fucking good with the hero/lane, FUCKING PICK SON OF A BITCH and leave me alone! Fuck you!

    (Yes, i afk and don't mark lane ofc)

    Play Mirana where there's missing a hero ;)

    flourishing new leaf

      And ofc I start with leap almost every single time and usually get First Blood. Kil.l yourself if you're the arrow level 1 fucktard type


        nice idea my man


          Ok, so you're intentionally making hard on yourself. Cool story.

          low prio master

            You're one of 100 who can do this, Mirana in my team never did anything.


              nice try, benao


                Nobody cares. Good on you mate. 60%+ win-rate keep up what your doing its working W.e it is. A lot of players talk shit about others choices but when you check their wni-rate with the hero its usually abysmal.


                  60% wr with mirana this week stop flexing bro

                  flourishing new leaf

                    Welp, I still feel it should be higher but whatever, 60% is somewhat decent

                    flourishing new leaf

                      ay ay ay ay

                      so much rage and report threats :D!!


                        Attention seeking behavior is to act in a way that is likely to elicit attention, usually to elicit validation from others. People are thought to engage in both positive and negative attention seeking behavior independent of the actual benefit or harm to health.

                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                          pretty amazing u win mirana games with just treads and maelstrom. I would expect some sort of bloodthrone/desolator/daedalus build.


                            Always pick last. Weak men pick first cause they are scared to lose gold. Hahaha, I will watch that gold melt and laugh at ya. Then I will be sure to announce in all chat how it was I who won "pick last" mini game