General Discussion

General DiscussionWho are the best offlaners this patch?

Who are the best offlaners this patch? in General Discussion

    Is earthshaker and phoenix good?

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    Drain AF

      try watching latest pros tournament.. look at their draft and picks for offlane


        axe, because he didnt get nerf this patch XD (take this with a grain of salt if u dont mind)

        Yami Yugi

          Phoenix solo offlane can be devastating for agi heroes, the last time I saw it in immortal bracket

          Yami Yugi

            He build Tranquil, Urn, Shiva (AS slow to help his ult), and his Ember build Radiance (17% miss chance), and gank everytime his ult off cooldown

            KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

              Enchis too short (minimum is 6 characters)

              smurfs = no balls

                @kavinzaza the double stout shield nerf was huge for axe but yea i think he still viable


                  UNDERLORD and enchantress


                    I see a lot of Underlord, Clockwork, Beastmaster and I personally adore the Pudge, Pheonix and surprisingly slark. With a high burst hero or agro tri it works great.

                    k e l l e r

                      if youre talking position 3:

                      Mars, Centaur (despite recent nerfs), pango, omniknight, wind ranger, sand king, tide. I see these heroes picked a lot at high MMR and in pro games. Mars/cent/wind ranger are probably some of the stronger ones. Omni can be played as support as well. ofc many others harbor pretty high win rates, like night stalker and underlord. TBH pretty balanced patch, but ill tell ya Mars and Cent feel stupidly strong.

                      ES and pheonix are good but usually as position 4, ES can be good at pos 3 though for a fast blink and aghs.

                      Back in the time

                        Definetely sand king and pangolier , but if you want a semi carry off laner night stalker is broken,
                        best talents in the game plus 150 damage in his ultimate

                        flourishing new leaf

                          Best Carry Mirana
                          Best Mid Mirana
                          Best OFFLANER Mirana
                          Best Support Mirana
                          Best Roamer (aka non existent trash role) NOT Mirana

                          Unfair bot enjoyer

                            Ench, Omniknight, Axe, Pudge.


                              Windranger as a pos 3 offlane isn't bad, works better in a dual lane if you can contest though. Pretty good kill potential because her nuke is surprisingly high damage for a low mana cost and super long range means you can sniper with it. In lane has a good attack animation and long range lets her harass the enemy carry or trade harass against the support. Can transition into a secondary carry as well. I like to buy meteor hammer on her since it gives a second source of stun and some relatively cheap stats and regen. If you shackle someone solo it also gives her all the time to set up the meteor hammer, can push towers with it etc.

                              Underlord is also very good and often goes even or wins match ups though as I've discovered ursa fucks him over very hard as you can't trade with him and if he has something like a shadow shaman you just can't get near the lane and he gets easy farm and you go on to lose a terrible game. If not against an ursa though then he is very good for building auras and helping to sustain and push. Not so flashy to play since you basically are just casting firestorm and then pit and then right clicking and activating your auras and then holding your ulti to see whether you need to disengage or not.


                                Ench and wr, just make sure you ban lina

                                smurfs = no balls

                                  I spam mostly necro, nature and pudge in the offlane. Works for me.

                                  Meta rn is like underlord, centaur, omni and brastmaster. Very boring heroes :(

                                  And also yea phoenix can work amd its pretty fun.

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