General Discussion

General Discussionam persona

am persona in General Discussion

    omegalul. boyish looking am

    Kabir singh's bo0ster

      If grill AM has no where to sit she always has my face.


        she's hot dude


          she is hot af


            Finally another fucking non oversexualized female character. She's cool.

            Tu tayta

              Wait, but which female dota hero (heroine?) is oversexualized? I can only think of QoP, but then again, she's a succubus...and even then, she's pretty tame for a succubus.

              '96 Neve Campbell

                I would say that Luna's tight-fit suit and some of Lina's sets are also kind of sensual but compared to other video games Dota 2's girls are pretty free from sexualisation tbh/


                  Her face in the art looks so much more attractive. Manjaw on the model is real. The worst part is probably the voice and personality. She sounds like someone who uses TikTok, not a warrior.


                    Manjaw on the model is real.

                    exactly. what makes am persona a girl are the breast, voice and long hair? -_-


                      Model wise she's fine. And no ambience effect is good for a change, dota cosmetics have too much blings lately

                      My biggest concern is that lame foot stance and no skill icon change


                        people been calling it t r a n n y m a g e all week


                          "Manjaw" "it"

                          Ah yes, the rampant misogyny and transphobia of pc games mob<3
                          For a bunch of incels envious of her jaw you guys sure set some unrealistic standards for your future life. The sooner you get rid of your slightly underaged 36D slim waist tradwaifu fantasy, the better for your mental health and social status.


                            Ah yes, the rampant misogyny and transphobia of pc games mob<3
                            For a bunch of incels envious of her jaw you guys sure set some unrealistic standards for your future life. The sooner you get rid of your slightly underaged 36D slim waist tradwaifu fantasy, the better for your mental health and social status.

                            What do you expect from the most virgin community?


                              I think apart of that hair, she looks pretty good albiet different from the promotional teaser. Also she was voiced by Laura Bailey and she voiced like a lot of character from DBZ Trunks to Abby from The Last of Us 2.

                              The promotional art has more of "Femme Fatale" ambience instead of "Clumsy Protégé". Weapon also very different as if it was Glaive x Curved Sword while in teaser, it looks like energy blade/glaive. Her face are altered to make her look impatient and clumsy. The clothing had more detail in-game. Probably require some bling in several body part (especially spell change) and icon.

                              To put in comparison, Invoker Persona is actually on qoute "less serious form" of Invoker. You have fun with kidvoker with his joyfull laugh and casting. Animation were clearly the selling point and orb change really put the pieces together. While Auntie-Mage although has many animation, she simply has not enough animation to be the selling point. The selling point should be spell change (for example even a different sound for mana break is acceptable). Many people complained how Auntie can't use other cosmetic yet no one complained how kidvoker can't use Dark Artistry set. Why? Because she's just too empty.


                                What do you expect from the most virgin community?

                                Actually, in terms of virginity, a poll taken in both 4chan and separatedly in Reddit both of them found out that the forums with anime has the most virgins. Videogames ranks about like fourth or third or some shit.

                                For a bunch of incels envious of her jaw you guys sure set some unrealistic standards for your future life

                                But I already got a great jaw. Even a girl I play with already said her jaw is too fucking manly

                                Are you sure you're not projecting here?

                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                                  CHAD THUNDERCOCK

                                    it only looks like a tranni on the home screen. demo the hero you fuken plebs. looks better than 99% of all the girls you will ever be with


                                      To the guy who replied above, it's not just about dota but the whole videogames scene. There are SO many oversexualized characters and what pisses me off is that it's almost always unnecessary, out of context. Like giving female warriors armor with an opening on the chest 'cause fuck protecting the heart, right? Gotta show that cleavage. The audience only cares about a female being attractive. Doesn't matter if the character is interesting, a diverse addition, cool. It's always only gonna be "omg with PA's new set I can't see dat ass", "WR got no boobs, patch them". Just like in real life, pretty sad. Understandable in a way, considering women are expected to be beautiful by nature, same like men are expected to have power and strength. But still ah. it's a videogame character, not your future girlfriend. Also the fact that she doesn't look like a submissive, vulnerable, 14 y-o like CM does is not a bad thing at all. At least there's diversity. Looks like a SJW rant but damn it's so annoying. For the immortal III treasures I'm expecting Sven's "hammer" to be visible under the armor and Juggernaut to stop having that wimp-like body and finally hit the gym.

                                      Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                        Yes and a massive muscular red guy with a little cloth covering his donger is completely realististic.
                                        Its a game kids, jesus chirist who cares.

                                        Beast of no Nation

                                          Yes and a massive muscular red guy with a little cloth covering his donger is completely realististic.
                                          Its a game kids, jesus chirist who cares.

                                          Haha. This


                                            I doooo
                                            Lmao if only he looked human though.


                                              its fine to show some boob but to then lose ur shit if u dont is fucking asinine