General Discussion

General DiscussionImmortal Treasure II review

Immortal Treasure II review in General Discussion

    Long post coming ahead, what you guys think about the new Immo 2? Here are my thoughts. I will sort by their Effects (physical and skills), theming (include lore and other immortal slots), and interaction with ability

    Vigil Odyssey / Sven's head
    Effects were flashy and looking cool together with his immortal. Main issues is that the Immortal is lacking effect during God's Strength (maybe give Sven a set of wing or have his body glowing) but overall it was pretty solid.

    Eye of Ardenok / Magnus Head
    Great headpiece but holy shit the effect. It was very overdone and might hurt my eye when I try to cancel-cast it. Overall it was looking very cool and matching, but i don't really want to get flash-banged at midnight.

    Fin of the First Spear / Slardar's Head
    Not really anything interesting apart from it's theming. Effects were kinda meh and not really that showing. To quote from sunsfan "It's like giving my enemy immortal".

    Scale of Bitter Spoil / Troll Warlord's Shoulder
    Main issue here is theming. While it looks pretty flashy and stylish, it doesn't really match Troll Warlord as a ruthless warlord. Maybe reducing the arm piece or create a much bigger left shoulder guard makes Troll much meaner. The whirling axe (ranged) looks really weird and whirling axe (melee) actually really creative for the motion. Overall, a bit conflicting feeling

    Awaleb's Trundleweed / Witch Doctor's Staff
    Effects was the main selling point here. The blooming emerald green grass really step up the game. So in my opinion Valve is trying to attract SEA (particularly Indonesian/Filipino/Thai) as the staff looks like Orchid or maybe Titan Arum (a very large flower often called as "Carrion Flower"). Theming was really smart together with the Durian and the name "trundle" means "slowly or heavily spreading" matching Awaleb's lore. Overall a perfect score for this one

    Aspect of Oscilla / Silencer's shield
    The shield itself was probably the flashiest but it really sucks it wasn't the coolest spell or interaction. Theming was really cool but nothing much to discuss.

    Pyrexaec Forge / Jakiro's Wing
    Visually stunning and very strong. A bit dissapointed that my Collector Cache's set couldn't keep his volcano back but oh well. However a slight issue is that the Macropyre effect while look stunning, it really looks cliche. Honestly really similiar to Lion's Head, Earthshaker's Arcana Fissure and QoP's Arcana. Overall, very worthy of rare set but just missed a mark

    G0ld3n v4rAinT5
    fckin hell Valve the 2 set looks really awful and lifeless. To put in comparison, Tidehunter's Golden Flooding Mask was really the best as not only fishes that came out of the flooding mask but also gold coins which really great theming. BUT HOLY SHIT I HAVE ENOUGH OF THESE LAZY GOLDEN SETS. GOLDEN FISH? YELLOW GRASS?
    Slardar was 1/10 but Witch Doctor got 6/10 for a saving grace

    Dipper the Destroyer / Ursa's Back + his kid?
    A bit of mixed feeling for me. On one hand it was nothing flashy and visually amazing, just meh. On the other hand, interaction with the cub was really great and the taunt gives more tilting. A bit of trivia that "Little Dipper" is actually the American name for Ursa Minor constellation which is really clever for Valve (yep they really hid these reference subtly). It was really cute set but not the best or Ultra Rare Worthy.

    Let me know what you think after these whole waiting time (predicted around 5th July so almost 3 weeks delay) and what is your prediction for the next Immo 3? Several leaks said that Slark and Dragon Knight is up next.

    Also shout out to Parmaviolets with his Magnus prediction.

    '96 Neve Campbell

      I think as with most immortal treasures its simply down to personal preference and what heros you like to play. Personally I think the rares in this treasure are underwhelming, the Ursa immortal looks really goofy imo and Jakiro is a boring hero with boring abilties so giving him a boring immortal is very boring.

      Hatrið mun sigra

        I really like Slardar's one but imo the effect could have been put on LITERALLY ANY OTHER SPELL that wasn't his ulti. Like create a gold splash when stunning, a gold whatever the fuck when going bugatti, but that gold ult is just "ah okay :|". Jakiro cutest. Silencer's one is also fine. The one I really don't like is Troll's item, I mean the way it looks. On the other hand, paradoxically its effect is even TOO MUCH in your face, looks like a Rio de Janeiro carnival effect. Total opposite of Slardar's one.
        Ah also didn't see Magnus' pay-to-win effect. How to confortably win games at min 5ish by irredeemably burning enemies' corneas pressing one single button. My eyes hurt every time it's cast, says enough. Sven's one is the usual alpha WAAA, nothing too interesting. Witch Doctor's heal is very cute.

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        Baba Yaga

          Jaikro seemed good. Others are crap


            Tbh i like an effect done right. Well yes spell difference is needed when you have to spend grinding those sweet juicy thick Compendium money so i expect flashy/cool/cute effects. Some are overdone (Troll, Gold Slardar and Magnus). Other's are just perfect (Jakiro and Witch Doctor) and the rest are lacking (Ursa, Slardar, WD gold and Sven). Though i don't know why but i like Sven's immo.