General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone living in the US?

Anyone living in the US? in General Discussion

    I mined some Crypto on Kryptex, but because withdrawing through Visa isn't possible, I withdraw as an Amazon Gift card. On Amazon I bought a GameStop gift card. On GameStop I wanted to buy a Steam wallet code but guess what - it isn't possible to buy anything digital with a GameStop gift card. So I'm stuck with a $25 GameStop gift card outside the US. So if anyone lives in the US and lives near a GameStop shop, I'll send you the $25 gift card and PIN through e-mail, you buy a physical Steam wallet and send the numbers to me via e-mail, and you keep the $5 for your trouble. Of course you may choose to get greedy and keep all the money, but I hope there are honest people who can help me. Anyone interested?

    PS. oh and sorry for the off-topic. Well I may buy something on Dota - not quite off-topic really

    Ова тема је измењена
    Slim Shady

      Oldest scam in the books lmao, when you read *crypto* just dont read further, this guy just wants to steal your money, get a job instead of investing into an imaginary currency you fat virgin


        Oldest scam in the books lmao, when you read *crypto* just dont read further, this guy just wants to steal your money, get a job instead of investing into an imaginary currency you fat virgin

        You risk only 2 things if you try to help me:
        1) exchanging emails with a complete stranger;
        2) getting embarrassed in the GameStop store IF the code and PIN which I provided turns out to be used/non-existent.
        I am taking the real risk here by giving away the Gift Card code. And I rely solely on the conscience of the would-be helper.
        - By the way, while you're spending your parents money on the Internet interfering with other people's jobs, people are making real world money through Crypto

        Овај коментар је измењен

          you have negative winrate in guardian bracket, you are not smart enough to make money. go wash dishes you wagecuck


            ^maybe he is too busy making FAT cash instead of doing le meaningless ranked grind


              ^maybe he is too busy making FAT cash instead of doing le meaningless ranked grind

              This is the real case

              Hexy Rose~

                if I lived in us, I'd do it for you without that $5. hope u find some honest american soon


                  If you are smart enough to earn fat cash, you are smart enough to casually be at 3-4k mmr.
                  Just good decision making is enough to reach 4k.

                  Negative win rate guardian = braindead. Simple as that.


                    Imagine having a brain so locked down to think a performance in a video game is a good way to conclude about a person's intelligence.
                    Anyway, if there is anyone interested, you can reach me ///


                      You didn't read the keyword "Decision making".
                      With just good decision making you can comfortable sit between 3k-4k, without even try harding.

                      You are guardian after playing 1k games, that just shows you have no ability to analyse information and use it to your advantage. Which implies you lack any ability to earn fat cash.

                      Tired of Winstreak

                        ^holyshit this person really tries to prove himself. What a clown.


                          I pick only Ursa jungle and offlane. And I am always in ancient rank. So I have that "Decision making" and I won't starve to death with my ability in real life. :lick:
                          OMG :disapprove: I might don't have enough money to buy food because I always forgot to save buy back in dota :bawl:

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            If you suck at a game based on decision making even after 1k games, you will suck at real life unless you change.

                            Truth hurts? Gonna cry?? :laugh:

                            Овај коментар је измењен
                            Dark Hunter

                              Yeah imagine playing the game for fun, thats illega here in dota. Only bitching and saying "gonna cry" after ez game.


                                Lol, Playing for fun implies playing to lose?

                                Somehow every low mmr trash uses that excuse, it's bloody hilarious lol

                                11-14 viper with normal try hard build "I'm playing for fun" :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

                                it seems you derive pleasure from losing. if that's your definition of fun. xD

                                Овај коментар је измењен
                                Аня Тейлор-Джой

                                  Imagine comparing a video game and real life....


                                    Imagine thinking good decision making is not a real life skill requirement.

                                    Another Archon :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:


                                      don't feed the trolls ,these guys need to vent on someone to calm themselves about their pathetic miserable life.just ignore.


                                        oh another guardian.
                                        The saltiness is over flowing.
                                        This just keeps getting better.


                                          ^ I feel this is kind of a player who will go AFK jungle instead of finishing the game if you accidentally kill enemy support at the 55th minute mark, saying "noobs, don't know to let the carry get the kill!!!!!"

                                          В голове вечный бардак.

                                            Decision Making lol


                                              i would help you if i'm in the us and no korona probs

                                              sadly both of them exist

                                              Hexy Rose~

                                                I am groot


                                                  ^ language you filth


                                                    It turns out, you can't redeem a wallet code outside the US. So, the person will have to add me as a friend on Steam, activate it on their account and gift-purchase me some game worth $20. So there's that


                                                      I don't mind walking into a gamestop and embarrassing myself if you want to add me


                                                        I don't mind walking into a gamestop and embarrassing myself if you want to add me
                                                        Friend request sent

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          *Update: My new friend on Steam <Seoulmate> delivered my request and gift-purchased for me "Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition". I can't believe after so much time this little adventure of mine has concluded in such a satisfying manner. It's not the game or the money that matters, it's the fact that some stranger ~10.000 kilometres away can do a favour for someone who they have never met in life. All of this is amplified when I knew that they could've easily cheated me and used that money for themselves. Thank you so much, Seoulmate!!

                                                          Аня Тейлор-Джой

                                                            Faith in humanity restored