General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Troll the strongest 1vs1 hero in the game ?

Is Troll the strongest 1vs1 hero in the game ? in General Discussion

    Late game


      Slark with 1000 stacks


        Lion with 1000 stacks


          Dendi whit 1000 mmr


            Tech with 1000 mines

            Hexy Rose~

              BristleBack with 1000 Quill stacks


                pudge with 1000 stacks

                Mediocrity in its purest ...

                  Meepo with 1000 Meepos

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    Ursa with 1000 stacks :lick:

                    Omnislash по венам

                      Silencer with 1000 IQ

                      S h ō

                        Broodmother with 1000 spiderlings

                        S h ō
                          Овај коментар је избрисан.
                          S h ō

                            Faceless Void with 1000 seconds chronosphere


                              Dazzle with 1000 seconds shallow grave


                                Hell to the fuck yeah
                                - Bulba, probably

                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                  pa with 1000% crit chance

                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                    Shadow Demon with 1000 poison stacks


                                      Troll and Ursa are the type of heroes that you cannot really trade with... There are some others as well, like Slark for example. These guys either keep you from getting away or just have escalating damage throughout the game. But they usually have other issues that make them less desirable to play... Troll has that ulti that takes away your control. Ursa can be kited, Slark has quite shitty stat gain and can be quite bad if you dont get off to a good start... In a 1vs1 these are some of the nastiest heroes, but this game is not 1vs1.


                                        Ursa is the best 1v1 in 5v5 game. It can tear sup apart only 6 to 12 hit within 3 sec. But need BKB !!!!! :lick:


                                          No one can beat razor 1v1 at lvl1


                                            troll eats Ursa late game if they are 1vs1


                                              In a vacuum its Void if he procs time lock. And if you add talents (backtrack)


                                                Yeah, Troll is most definitely the strongest 1v1 hero. Of course, there are counters to him, but in most situations against single carries (not ck, naga or pl), he will be victorious with his permastun.