General Discussion

General DiscussionSup boiz...just hit .56's time to go big

Sup boiz...just hit .56's time to go big in General Discussion

    Started @ .5 wassup my brotherS?

    bscore (aka diarrhea rigged) gonna update in 5 games too u ready for the hto stuff? the mega hot sauce?

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      lol i thought you said top 0.56% and you started at 500 mmr


        top 0.56% of all the 8m calibrated players would put you at the middle of the immortal bracket kek


          Lol nah hummie... 49.56 win rate.

          Just hit .58 last night :D

          Forgot to mention I've been ~ 49.5 for 10 years or so.

          another day in paradise

            hahahaha imagine having sub 50% winrate


              Imagine having worse and playing with worse 4Head SoBayed NotLikeThis. Plus, cmonBruh, it's a fraction of 1% off 50. Gimme a break breh it wasn't always my fault usually when I broke items, abandoned, or spammed chat with crazy stuff, it was a response to some really troll throwing behavior in-game. Ranked too.

              Just played my first "high skill" game after 40,000 hours of normal skill.

              Racked up 27 assists thanks to some nice casting from teammates.

              It's too bad I didn't stop playing ranked with the same 50 or so people who would behave the same way over the course of years....earlier, like back in 2018 when someone told me how dota 2 systems work. Don't care though, because i was alone growing up and hung out with the wrong people and got involved with drugs which delayed a mature brain development... i might be 32 in terms of the age of my cells but i'm just getting started

              I started playing on this account, my first Steam account, probably early November. I can tell you out of the past 100 or so games, I haven't seen a troll draft one time. I honestly can't remember one game where there was a sniper hard support or wynter wyvern offlane... I would say it feels like 1-3% of that sample from this set of games felt impossible. That includes games where we lost early, came back a little, and lost anyway. It includes games I lost. Every game felt impossible on the other account. And it was from 7000 behavior score all the way down to 1000 behavior score. No matter where I was or what time of day it was, it would always be the same 50 people enemies or teammates otherwise.

              I'm really glad that part of my life is OVER and I get to play some dota finally after all these years. I could give two shits that im 32. I look like im 22 and my brain is maturation wise 22 years old. The way I understand it is age is really a measurement of your cells and how withered they are from sustaining life. No rationale at all. I had the mind of a 5 year old when i was in my 20s, acting purely on pleasure and emotion.

              Because a rational, reasonable person would've stopped alot sooner. But I'm grateful to God for getting me to this point and only have the future ahead to look forward to.

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