General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR calibration

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MMR calibration in General Discussion

    I have not played in a couple of months and lost my number (immortal) - currently at 6.2k mmr.

    I am based in EU but find the NA servers to be less toxic *playing at 90ms which is not bad at all..

    Question: if i keep playing on NA servers even if i am based in the EU will my mmr reflect according to the NA ranks or EU ranks ?

    because as far as i believe 6.2k in NA is immortal 1.5k and 6.2k in EU is immortal 4.9k

    Ова тема је измењена
    asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...

      ye but its like,if ur last 20 games or smth are on the na server,u get the na rank and the same for eu
