General Discussion

General Discussionbest patch in years

best patch in years in General Discussion
macrodata refiner

    idk what it is but everything is just very fun again


      it must be a blast if you're a meepo huskar lone sand king player i assume


        This patch is ok for me. Nice buff for Chen




            russians removed?

            asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...



                whats so funny my russian friend
                laughing to everything is evolutionary result of coping with your miserable existence i suppose


                  actually pick stunners disablers that win dota

                  macrodata refiner


                    flourishing new leaf

                      fu pudge ^

                      macrodata refiner

                        mr drow u suck at carry, so play minecraft :)


                          I thought Huskar was getting nerfed; why'd they buff him?


                            This patch is for my Wraith Band Ursa spammer. :lick:

                            macrodata refiner

                              Apipe no patch is for your offlane Ursa. Its griefing, no matter the patch

                              macrodata refiner

                                +1000mmr for me ever since the patch came out (500mmr by grinding and 500mmr with recalibration), literally best patch


                                  Trust me they have not buffed Huskar at all... They have nerfed him with all the changes since 7.30. The magic resistance hardly makes a difference anywhere and he has been bleeding stats hard. They got Huskar from the lofty 1 armor to 0 armor with these changes... And trust me it does make a difference. You are way less strong in the early game and the lost attackspeed with the agi nerf, is really tough as Huskar already has a really slow projectile speed...

                                  In other words, the patch is fine... Some new heroes are now back in, which is the main goal of any patch, to move the meta game along. The item changes and the Aghs Shard timing has probably been the biggest difference makers here. The hero changes were quite mild overall... A few redo's on some heroes, new items and number tinkering for majority of the heroes.


                                    just trust me bro


                                      If you think its fun then you already enjoy playing Dota. This patch changed hardly anything. No map changes, no big item cost changes (especially consumables), no change to wards or warding spots, no new neutral items, a few heroes got big changes everyone else got small balance changes.

                                      People say it was a big Chen buff patch, but I still don't really know if it is. Chen still struggles with small camp RNG and the constant buying of cheap sentry wards where players block your camp. Its nice that the harpy gives flying vision and the kobold can break. The biggest buff to early game chen is the small wildwing. But one thing that chen could help with since his damage was lacking was his healing, but they nerfed his healing with his ult. So he still remains as a hero that works really well with very certain drafts. But at least he can get ancient creeps at 15 mins now.

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