General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you think your teammates are trash?

Do you think your teammates are trash? in General Discussion
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    Do you think your teammates are trash?

    macrodata refiner

      nope, I get carried by good ppl every game


        i respect trash more than that


          Sometimes I do and they piss me off badly. Seems like if I support I have a lower chance of winning despite my best at warding and trying to keep people alive or helping kill enemies.


            From my experience there are teammate like trash, dog, animal, cancer, idiot, thrower, fountain diver. I have never heard that my teammate is normal person. :laugh:


              I think the whole dota 2 community is trash


                yes but im worse


                  not every game of course, some of them lmao. You'd be fucking mental if you think you're always the problem or everyone else is always the problem. reality is in between lmao

                  flourishing new leaf

                    They are pretty much trash, but it doesn't matter as long as they try to win.


                      every time i play then i look at my kda and i say im as bad as them and i continue


                        trashes everywhere




                            Almost always. If I see somebody who has like 4k games and they're in my game, I know they're terrible...

                            unless you mean trash humans. then also yes. definitely yes.

                            Овај коментар је измењен

                              ^^ Don't worry, years down the line you are gonna be one of those 5k games stuck at crusader level. Pretty normal behavior for players that get lucky on calibration.
                              The anger and salt accumulates once you notice that you are still stuck at same mmr or lower even after fuck ton of games. Then this forums get free entertainment from all the "I'm 6k player stuck at 2k" threads. XD


                                I am also a trash. But I am an high ranked trash who stuck in Divine gatekeeper. :lick: :laugh:


                                  я думаю что ты ишак сраный

                                  H3AD-5T v2

                                    we are all trash tbh