General Discussion

General DiscussionRecalibrating

Recalibrating in General Discussion

    Hello gentleman and ladies i will like to know how much mmr i can gain from recalibrating on an optimistic scenario, i currently have 3.7k mmr, thanks in advance


      Well, just went 2-8 in calibration and lost about 400 mmr... The average loss for this "six game skid" would be -150 without calibration.

      Don't do what I did, gain a new star/medal and then start calibration... You will be seeing smurfs left and right on the opposing side as the game is forcing you back to "50%" win rate.


        I went 8-2 and gained 400-500 mmr (not sure exactly) so I think that's pretty much what you can expect at best


          Under normal circumstances, each game seems to be worth around +-75 mmr.


            its +70 / -70 i think


              as long as you dont go into negative its all good. Being negative stats it gives CurrentMMR x 30 and doesnt count wins

              lvjkvkxckb kxcvbcbz cv xcv



                  i gained +320mmr with a 7-3 record (2 of the wins were in party queue)

                  4*75 would give +300mmr so fairly close

                  Tom Crusader

                    Does rank of other players in the game reflect your potential rank at the end of calibration?


                      yes, my last two account calibrations both times i got same rank as people in my 10th calibration game


                        You can roughly keep track of the current "MMR bracket" by looking at what MMR players you are playing against and with. Especially when playing solo... Just don't start it when you have just gained new ranks (medal or stars).