General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm quitting this game. It's too harming for anyone who plays.

I'm quitting this game. It's too harming for anyone who plays. in General Discussion
Give me Carrot

    Dota 2 is literally the depths of hell "betrayal". First Dota 2 lures you to play with good teammates then suddenly gives you bad ones if you solo, unless you buy a skin or play with friends.

    This game died 3 years ago, I wonder what they did to kill Dota 2 so easily making League of Legends the number 1 moba game in the market (next to mobile legends as 2nd, and I don't even play mobile legends).

    Some of my teammates are 40% winrate and I still won, if I'm the carry and they try their best not to feed the enemy.

    When I played Ranked, I keep getting support and I easily lose because there are a lot of wintraders, trolls, and toxic players.

    It was a good game, but it's time to let it die including all PC games thanks to VR headsets advancing the gaming world. (I hope valve loses the VR market)

    Give me Carrot

      I might as well pray to God to save me from sending me to hell with them.

      Slim Shady

        I like how you just came back from a losing streak as well, though.

        Cheer up, just quit this game dude srsly no jokes now my life has severely improved ever since i never touched this game again. I am quite sure its just not ment for some people. And with some i mean probably 99% of all human beings.

        Also, i like ball busting with spiked shoes and unshaved balls


          YOU JUST SUCK LMAO 9 lose streak in normal skill :disapprove:


            Theres no quitting this game. U can play it occasionally like 1 match per day or just 1 match in a month.

            Remember its just a game.

            Give me Carrot

              Ironic I got a hate speech from someone who refused to play if he didn't got his role. 14 abandons in a row? He sucks.

              Give me Carrot

                I guess SEA is a crap fest no matter one because of the smurfs who got better overtime and ruins players who are trying to succeed.

                KINDA SUS...

                  bro its just a game. the whole point of a game is just to have fun, if you're not having fun then you have every right in the world to quit. don't get too serious over a game unless you're trying to become a professional player and make a career out of it


                    ''I guess SEA is a crap fest no matter one because of the smurfs who got better overtime and ruins players who are trying to succeed.''

                    This statement alone proves you're garbage lmfao. I lose=cause smurfs not me

                    Give me Carrot

                      I'm not a smurf.

                      Give me Carrot

                        I want to win not suffer a loss while my teammates fucks around and say non-sense. It's like listening to a flat-earther's podcast.

                        KINDA SUS...

                          if you really want to get serious and improve in this game then I would highly suggest you to stop focusing ur teammates and start focusing on trying to get better and improve because the whole point of solo queue is to improve yourself. You have to understand that in solo queue, anytime you die its almost exclusively your fault. you can always play better and you cant change your teams. i think its stupid the way ppl approach solo queue by just saying "oh my team sucks!" you don't play solo queue to get your team better, you play solo queue to get yourself better. and by getting yourself better youre able to carry your team, raise mmr, and then your teammates will get better

                          KINDA SUS...

                            also if u wanna focus on improving then just mute all ur team and the enemy so u don't get tilted and listen to nonsense. the dota ping feature is really comprehensive and its all you need because it works way better than in league or any other game

                            Give me Carrot

                              I saw that with Kunkka, even if he failed he still proceeds to try and win. My booster shot freaking hurts I think Dota 2 gave me cancer from it or this game would make your covid immunity to 0.

                              Just look at the drow ranger in my team, all he does is be a puss and try to not die, while I try to support and save my team but still fail because Drow is putting us down.

                     I hope this player freaking buys something and breaks and couldn't get a refund. Stupid arcana skins.


                                Dota is impossible to play casualy thats the problem. And the community is the best at spotting your mistakes while doing every mistake in the world themselves. If you want to have fun in dota - use mute all chat button and play your game or dont play it at all.

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                                  I toke a break around 2 years ago. came out of the bubble of dota and experienced some stuff irl.

                                  as fun as the game is, there is also so much to do outside of it that it might be a waste of time to go back to it now.

                                  macrodata refiner

                                    Good, your mentality clearly not strong enough for dota 2


                             summary based on these get to the top, you essentially have to play 1v5, ignoring your teammates?

                                      Sorry but that's just not interesting for me, especially if you're not getting paid for it. Way too much work and energy for absolutely nothing in return; you don't learn anything, it's slave labor.

                                      I've been clinging to the tenet that dota 2 is a team game where the people you get matched with are all on the same page, that is, trying to win.

                                      Sorry but not defending or rotating until rax is down, is not interesting for me.

                                      I have 500+ people blocked on steam who all do the following:
                                      -die alone repeatedly for 30-60 minutes in the same ways/positions
                                      -troll picks sniper offlane ancient apparition safe lane etc

                                      and some others im sick of thinking about this garbage quite frankly

                                      expecting your teammates to play the game normally shouldn't be a variable, it should be a constant, just like every other competitive game or sport i've engaged in during the course of my life

                                      i really hate this thing now, and will be recording any time i waste on it moving forward to disprove the claims:

                                      "oh, it's you, you're not good enough, waste more time and energy and thought on how to carry 1v9, every time, so maybe, you might be able to pay your bills instead of ending up homeless on the street

                                      just like in gambling, the system here designed similarly. in gambling games, they feed you 10% amount of wins, to trick you into forgetting the fact that you've lost 90% of the time.

                                      one of the reasons i got so attached to the game in my early 20s when it came out is meeting new people who like the game as much as you do. For the last couple of years, I've just been spending my time losing with the same mexicans, venezuelans, and costa ricans instead of americans who speak english, for the same behavior, and i'll be documenting it until i finally stop wasting time on this thing and can work on being a self fulfilling human being before dying.

                                      the thought of thinking about how to win 1v9, every time, is quite frankly very not interesting for me, and is a chore that doesn't lead anywhere and doesn't even pay money. it strips any kind of fun or enjoyment i once had playing this game. I would rather go back to 40 hour work week in a cubilcle doing data entry because there i was able to pay taxes, earn a pay check, and pay my bills. i"m on the brink of losing my apartment and owe thousands of dollars because for the last 3 years and 5,000 hours, ive been thinking about how to win the game by myself while the 4 people im with are doing everything they can to lose.

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                                        Play it after sex :lick:


                                          Man this game is fucking dogshit. Even turbo can't be enjoyed without some crusader or archon dog flipping and griefing for their own mistakes. If someone asked where the bottom 20% of all the 50 IQ, degenerate, ugly ass worthless males is send them to dota.

                                          Give me Carrot

                                            So true, But I rather have my account set to crusader because my Rank actually matches me in Unranked with terrible enemy teammates who are boosted. Some of the crusaders in Ranked are boosters/win traders who aren't getting banned because valve only uses this game to invest in VR game gadgets same with TF2 and CS:GO.

                                            Slim Shady

                                              ^ The guy above this poster is pretend like being a legend is not just as bad as being a shitty legend lol

                                              Dota players= THE RANKS BELLOW ME RUIN EVERYTHING, MY RANK IS THE DEFINITION OF SKILL!

                                              whats his rank? Legend lmao

                                              Its like someone working at a gas stations mocking people who work at a supermarket, in the end you are both equally dumb shits HAHAHA

                                              Give me Carrot

                                                *49% winrate 17 abandons, guardian. 2k mmr bracket.

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