General Discussion

General Discussionhow to escape the trench as a carry

how to escape the trench as a carry in General Discussion

    Spam Naga Clinks Furion.

    Farm item,->Damage/Farm. -->solo Kill item-->BKB/Blink


      Git Gud

      macrodata refiner

        why would you make videos of "how to escape the trench" when you are literally like lowest 20 percentile of dota rank like what the fuck

        u suck kid

          LOL @ slay, he made an updated video calling you out broski, gonna let archon trash shit talk ya?

          Овај коментар је измењен

            well when a Archon tries trash talk, it's always going to be "rank detected, opinion rejected"
            hilariously, he dropped to crusader average now LOL

            THE REAL IS BACK

              Says the legend player with 2k game more than me u made I'm on ur ass bitch


                Imagine being archon and making youtube video bragging about a huge 5 games win streak with some red neck accent 😂😂

                Keep up the work man, you are almost there on your way to immortal 😂

                THE REAL IS BACK

                  Imagine losing a game as ursa against a 21 minute radiance wraith king go work on ur farming patterns


                    learn pos 5