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General DiscussionNeed a carry

Need a carry in General Discussion

    hi guys .. iam rn Ancient 2 iam looking for a good carry to play with
    because the majority of time i ended up with bosted or brainless ones
    i think at this rank i cant carry the game solo as an offlaner because thats my rolle ... and i dont like playing carry it make me stressful alot other wise i can play pos 3 but i would be burnout after 2 games
    anyway .. if any one at this rank and interested in dm me


      Smurfs are living proof that you can solo win games by spamming cores(1,2,3) all the way to immortal. Skill issue if you can't.

      If I were to boil down your post. It would be, "I need good cores to win games for me cause I suck at the game and my ego is too big to accept that fact".
      Blaming others cause you are bad and can't climb. Man I missed this posts. So fun to laugh at the delusional idiots.

      Tip1 : Don't be a party boosted animal.
      Tip2 : Could've just said "I need a good carry to team up with and play ranked", but you had to blame others for your low skills. LOL

      Овај коментар је измењен

        so thats why ^ guy got archon 4 rank with 49% winrate with 9000 matches kekw


          ^Guy plays 7+ games per day can't go above legend, trying to flame someone that plays 1 game per day only spamming support for being archon.

          Not sure who looks worse.

          Just make sure now you don't drop to my mmr, or always stay above me(off chance I actually climb), else this comment is gonna be very embarrassing. Not like you would be the first one to be embarrassed this way LUL


            hhhhhhhhhhhhhh u got him bro
            chiiiill out lil goku i have double ur rank and i know what iam talking about ... check my games and talk at least

            Tip1 : learn how to talk to people
            Tip2 : win more ranked games


              You blame everyone in your post but yourself... And also seem to lack any ability to self reflect judging by your responses.

              Nobody with a shred of self worth will tolerate a teammate like you. Not in DOTA or as a partner in real life. Time to grow up man child.



                hahahah Double the mmr of a guy that's not even actively grinding mmr. That's quite an achievement my man.

                At least, I am not miserable enough to beg on forums for boosters. Little dog can't climb alone so needs a party to boost his mmr.

                This is exactly what I mean by "party boosted animal" you have no skills to backup your ego. XD

                Just look at your game history, you spam cores, and yet every game you win there's a player that's demolishing the game, and in games where you have best stats in your team, you mostly lost those. HAHAHAHAHAH


                  first of all u dont know me and never played with me
                  second thing i sked politely ... so rep with polite way or get out of my comments
                  and after all learn how to be good person not toxic ... because the main idea of the post i said offlaner cant carry the game of my carry dont do his job i never and dont need to get carryed or boosted
                  anyway wish u climb in rank and become better person in general


                    "because the majority of time i ended up with bosted or brainless ones"
                    Polite btw.

                    You just blame your losses on your team, and are just looking for players to carry your ass LUL

                    Secondly, at my current rate, I'm never climbing rank, you actually have to put in effort to learn and be updated on game. I still don't know what side RS is during day/night LUL

                    4 burros 5 cacas y yo

                      lmao archon 4 with 6k games xdxdxdxdxdddddddddddddddddd


                        i don't think there is much of a skill difference in 1.8-5k mmr range if there is any tho


                          There are very minor differences but fairly noticeable.
                          -Generally awareness improves (When I climbed the first time with old techies from 2k to 3k- I would drop green mines in their face and walk away, and enemy would just forget that I mined that spot and just walk over and gave me double to triple kills most of my games) After like 3.3k this stopped working.
                          -Players start reading what their abilities do.(Below 2k, most players have no clue what or how their abilities work)
                          -at lower mmr Players just press buttons and post game are delusional that they did good. (I had a guardian buddy, who used doom only 8 times in a 45 mins games, 2 times on creeps, but refused to accept it till I recorded the replay and showed those parts to him)- He claimed he played "perfect" but team was just bad. HAHAHAH. That's also a reason why I never take the "my team is bad" clowns on this forums seriously.

                          another day in paradise

                            Why would any carry player want to play with such a shit offlaner player? And what will you do for them? Only reason to play party as carry is to play with a good support

                              Овај коментар је избрисан.

                                I originally commented thinking I read that you were a support looking for a carry player. If you believe you can't carry the game from offlane, then I believe you're at the rank you should be. Even if you found the player you're looking for, going back to regularly playing solo queue would make you drop back to where you started. If you want to climb rank, stop feeling so comfortable with your own play and question everything you do.

                                - "Why do I do X?"
                                - "Do pro players to X?"
                                - "Why do/don't pro players do X?"

                                If you can't justify your own actions with opportunity costs, you're probably going to be stuck forever. Mechanics will only bring you so far; tactics are a major part of this game. How well you play the map, communicate with and read people, apply pressure to your opponents, and make space for your team go way further.

                                Malcolm X

                                  so true , if you play ur role correctly ( offlane ) you can carry games like ez even if ur carry is a trash


                                    Actually if you are good offlaner then you can climb the mmr perpetually easy. And...sorry it might be a little bit harsh but...always blame yourself first. This works even outside the game

                                    E L Y S I U M-

                                      archon player telling ancient player what to do XD

                                      Also smurfs aren't living proof as a majority of them peak at legend/ancient.

                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                        ^^This guy thinks smurfs peaks at legend/ancient. HAHAHAHAHAHAH

                                        Funnily enough, you don't have the balls to talk shit to the immortals/divine that literally said the same thing I said. HAHAHAHAHAHA

                                        E L Y S I U M-

                                          "dont have the balls"

                                          what? am i supposed to fear immortals or something? XD Where are they? I'll tell them!

                                          Thing is, they do peak roughly at that. People who are divine/immortal got there on their main. Also i said a majority of them do, not all of them. I'm obviously not counting multiple smurf accounts from the same player.


                                            There are literally 3-4 comments from divine/Immortals, saying the exact same thing I said.
                                            Yet you only can trash talk me cause, you have no balls to call out those higher than you. Unless you agree with what I said, yet only decided to talk trash cause I'm lower mmr. Then that's hilarious AF.

                                            Also, you are delusional if you think "majority of them peak at legend/ancient".
                                            Someone that peaks at legend/ancient, is not even a smurf.
                                            I've played all the way to ancient 3 and apart from not having gold fish memory, there's not much difference between crusader and ancients.
                                            Especially party boosted animals with inflated ego, just like you are so easy to spot. Funny how you can only win when getting carried by your party and just go on lose streaks when playing solo LOL

                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                            E L Y S I U M-

                                              imagine believing you're superior to everyone just because you play solo queue XD

                                              Although I didn't look at everyone's accounts at the start, i just called you out because you are first comment. But now that I look at everyone, 2 of the immortals here actually gives decent advice and is no way similar to what you said. All you said was toxic stuff. One divine player and 1 legend player even called you out for having 6k games and still hardstuck archon which is hilarious. But then you hide behind your cop out shield of "i only play 1 game a day where i only play support so therefore im arbitrarily immune to criticism". Pathetic. You even felt insecure enough to look at mine and other people's games just so you could feel better about yourself. "can only win with party" my solo queue winrate is over 51% but ok

                                              I also looked at one of the immortals on here, and guess what, they also have some party games. Almost as if almost everyone does it!!! Maybe if you spam more solo queue AA games doing the same thing over and over again, SURELY you'll get to legend... SURELY. And surely you'll revive your dead twitch channel XD.

                                              This whole "party bad" narrative you've got going is just mad cope cause some of us don't need to play over 2k games to get to a decent rank. I only played dota for a few years but if i don't get to divine by the time i get to half of your total games, i would probably quit XD

                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                Firstly, I've been at a mmr little bit higher than yours when I was actively focusing on improving and playing 7-8 games a day without requiring a party to boost my mmr. Not too hard to verify on dotabuff.

                                                Secondly, One guy called him "shit offlane player" but that's not toxic I guess, since that guy is Immortal you lose your balls and don't call him out on that.

                                                Lastly, "if i don't get to divine by the time i get to half of your total games, i would probably quit", everyone thinks like that honey, you are not new.
                                                The fact that you think, MMR is the only reason to play the game is freaking hilarious.

                                                The only reason, I even visit this forums is to laugh at cry babies like the OP and ego boosted dogs like you. Make sure you do reach divine, else this thread is gonna be very embarrassing for you. Truthfully speaking, you won't be the first person to be embarrassed like this though and hopefully not the last. XD

                                                P.s. I never said I was superior to anyone, that's just something you cooked up in your head. All I said was facts, you are a party boosted animal. I've been on these forums for long enough to easily spot low skilled animals like you. You can only win games when your party performs well LOL

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  Amm Im not a english speaker, but I can tell, you can climb with off only, I see the last game you played, (sorry for the stalking lol) you need a large hero pool, spam 2 or 3 heros is good to climb, but at some point you will need more, for more situacions, try to get at least 1 ranged offlane when you 4 pick a melee hero, and if LC and NS are good, in some games your team doesnt have the damage to follow up the duel or pick a weak 4 like pudge that doesnt pair well with NS, you need adapt to the game, in some games you carry will be a good player, and you need build auras for your team and, etc, etc. You dont need a good carry, you need more adaptability at the game and more skill like the others tell too (sorry fot that lol) and in that last game, I think slardar was better to combo with your Io 4 🤓☝️

                                                  E L Y S I U M-

                                                    "make sure you do reach divine or this thread will be embarrasing for you"

                                                    Or i'll just quit dota? Why would "oh well i didnt reach my desired rank, best i better quit" be embarrassing?

                                                    He also said: "Only reason to play party as carry is to play with a good support" which is way better than what you said. Also im not gonna respond to everyone who says a bad word, thats way too much effort.

                                                    I have no quarrel with people who play for non mmr related reasons but if thats your reason then go right ahead, very strange how you believe people playing for mmr is bad.

                                                    "I never said i was superior to anyone" Except you call people u dont like party boosted animals, so yeah that implies you think like that.

                                                    "youre only at ur mmr because ur boosted by party" thats just mad cope

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      Oh, just admit that your balls just shrink up when it comes to talking trash to players at mmr higher than you, since you care so much about mmr it's pretty natural. Stop making crappy reasons. If that guy was not a immortal, you would've probably trash talked him as well "Archon calling a ancient guy as shit offlane player" or something like that. You just a lil puss puss.

                                                      Again, I never said playing for mmr is bad, that's again something your little brain cooking up. I said "It's bad to play ONLY for MMR", since that results in posts like OP, where they start blaming their team and external factors for them being stuck at whatever MMR they are.

                                                      Also, it's embarrassing to make big claims about reaching certain levels and not being able to follow them up. You quitting after that just adds more to the joke value.

                                                      I would only be coping if that was not truth. Go on play solo ranked for next 100 games and prove me wrong lil boy. You will come crying to forums about bad teammates and matchmaking and probably drop to legend 2-3 in that short time.

                                                      I hate many ppl on this forums, lot of them are way higher mmr than me, but there's only a handful I call party boosted animals, because you see, it's not that hard to see their match history and deduce that fact. I've seen skilled players who play ranked party on this forums, but you see you are not one of them, you are just a party boosted animal. You can stay mad for all I care HAHAHAHA

                                                      P.s. The biggest joke about this whole thread is, OP made a decent post after this asking for good players to team up, yet here you are triggerd af on behalf of OP. HAHAHAHAHAH

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                        dota 2 mmr always has been a meme especially casual mmr

                                                        the casual mmr is everything below the barrier. the barrier is the rating where you start getting fulltime pros/streamers/etc. which used to be 5-6k like in 2015-2017 and is probably rebranded to immortal ig

                                                        0mmr to divine is generally indifferent being the same casual level

                                                        playing for mmr is playing another game. spam mid sniper or any lane void and that's it. it used to be how people were climbing even 5k+ and i don't see anything changed


                                                          ^That's still the case, pick any mid hero that can solo stomp and as long as someone is as skilled as they claim to be, it's like a easy hike to low ranked Immortal.
                                                          It's just the low skilled delusional idiots that can't accept this, since that would severely damage their fragile ego. Cause if they accept that, then they can't get away with blaming teammates/matchmaking for their low mmr.