General Discussion

General DiscussionAverage match lengths for different skill levels

Average match lengths for different skill levels in General Discussion


    It would be interesting to know what is the average match duration for the different skill levels (e.g., Archon, Legend etc.). Is this something that we can view at this time, or something that Dotabuff may explore developing?

    Just a thought.

    afk offlane

      Definitely must be higher duration for lower mmr games because mmorpg players farming their "gear" before fighting


        lmfao gear farming

        but still, it should be pretty average, because on the one side on lower tier games ppl don't know how to attack, but on the higher tier ppl know how to defend and they can play around HG and whatsoever. I guess duration should be checked not by skill level but on behaviour level, and I bet we'll see majority of <30 minutes games on <6k behaviour or what's that point where trash players live