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36 коментара

    1st? Kappa


      2nd lmao

      Snori (...only weed gamin...


        Snori (...only weed gamin...


          Long hard road out of 2k

            3rd xdxd


              2nd lool







                    Thoughts on Lotus Orb? I almost never see it picked up in my pubs.

                    Full Давай

                      Eul is poorman's bkb


                        0rd =]=]=]


                          1st BKB

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            Kappa lol


                              W0w I learned nothing from this article

                              Bear of the Polar Variety

                                Lotus orb only has an active ability, requiring players to time it effectively in synergy with their friendly target. The effect is really good and the additional armour, hp and mana regen it gives you is great to have also. However most players, especially those who play mostly by themselves or don't really know how to use it (like myself) won't want to pick it up over a Shiva's or AC. If they added a passive effect while also reducing some other factors (for balance) then it might become more popular. It is still a really good pick up in a lot of cases in my opinion

                                CHI LONG QUA

                                  After reading the title I expected to see Hood of Defiance being praised.

                                  The Medic Guy

                                    fight me!!!!


                                      I was hoping this article would review Lotus Orb as well. It's such an amazing item on paper, but I don't know which heroes can utilise the most out of it, and if I should buy it as a support to use it on my cores.

                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                        Nice thing about Lotus Orb is it dispels a lot of things when activated. You can't active a LS on yourself, and in many cases BKB would be a core item over Lotus Orb anyways.
                                        If you are playing a hero who would benefit from the mana regen (ie. Invoker or Storm Spirit), I would go for the Orb over BKB first, especially if you have to deal with a Silencer.

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                                        while (!"false");

                                          I mainly use lotus orb after the fight started and my teammate or myself get some debuffs like silence or hex. Echo shell is just a bonus effect compared to its dispel.

                                          HAI DOMO!

                                            Nice Dragon Knight set up there.


                                              lul xday

                                              kiri khan

                                                if you think you couldent buy bkb so we can fight. fight me


                                                  Awful article lmao

                                                  zen moment

                                                    I learned someting, from the comments, nc article thi


                                                      So many "carrys" in pups who never got an BKB. It's always frustrated to see thisd

                                                      Gifts for the cat

                                                        No bkb is shit need 10 sec all time!


                                                          I think Valve needs to take a guide like this for early game items, and put it in the Dota 2 Game. Make it required for players to read it and be able to accurately answer questions about those items, and why it useful to get them instead of a 24 minute battlefury with 0 items / sustain / damage.


                                                            1st trololololol


                                                              I thought there was a "z" in "itemization"....weird


                                                                British english uses an "s" in a lot of words which are spelled with a "z" in american english.


                                                                  BKB is worthless, most of heroes can ignore it hahaha it was funny when enigma was trying to convince terrorblade of building it in dota 2 reporter toons hahah

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                                                                    Author should have added that crimson guard blocks cleave damage unlike armor.

                                                                    apes strong together

                                                                      I love when people build linkens to counter sniper...


                                                                        Why would counter sniper with linken? If he assasinate u, just dodge his bullet by blinking


                                                                          Решают айтемы не во всех случаях.Главное,чтобы голова была на плечах и команда не раки