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24 коментара
Oh no its Joe


    Я белоРУССКИЙ

      who is joe?


        No mention of Bloodseeker? I've been seeing him as a strong option in the offlane


          magical bloodseerker yes 👍

          Brünk Hüll

            Venomancer is super interesting right now as an offlaner choice. Like Windranger and Nature's Prophet, being a mixed damage hero means there has always been a level of flexibility in how to be "strong enough" in one category and relying on having the benefit of the other category to win. It's not quite as often, however, that Veno's chosen cateogry to be strong enough in is tank. I THINK I prefer it to a blink+aghs meta.

            cunami like tsunami but c...

              Bloodseeker be like: am I a joke to you?


                Yes. Bloodseeker is a good joke.

                Chill we got this

                  bloodseeker gets dumpsterd in the lane if the pos5 of the enemy is popping off your pos4. Cant do shit to climb up. spamming BM this past week and the only problem i see with him is when you approach late game. After roar and your pos1 doesnt have enough juice. you are done. you can kite the supports with your summons but thats it. Late game usually falls of 50/50. but hey. 50% win rate late game is too goood right? GL HF guys!

                  АРМЕН МАРКАРЯН

                    Хочу сдохнуть

                    Donald J. Pussy


                      No Incoming Chat

                        Blood seeker is definitely a solid offlaner

                        ipod touch456

                          bs slardar mars ?




                              Tide has always been a staple offlane and BM win % is dumpster. Where did you get 55% percent from his win is 42% you Dumb F***


                                Nice, you mentioned three offlaners that have always been offlaners in dota. Holy shit!
                                you must have a billion iq to mention the same shit that has been going on for years

                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                  Yo guys get this. I just found out AM is hard carry.
                                  Wait until you see my article about AM, naga, and spectre.
                                  I bet you didn't know they were safe lane heroes!!!!!!

                                  Tsuиɪԍԍα, the 5th Hoodkage

                                    for the pubs, underlord go brrrr

                                      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                        i am having so much fun from reading the comment


                                          im surprised underlord isnt up here


                                            @21 Ravage Damn, you're dumb. The title literally says "Top Tier", not "New" or "Unique Offlaners". Learn to read before you start acting like a jackass.


                                              Bloodseeker, sandking, underlord, mars and slardar are way better offlaners with proper itemization according to the draft at the moment then these 3 mentioned above. Lol this guide was a good 5 min waste of my time lol.


                                                No ET? Iight

                                                sad EP about love

                                                  Venom? I am familiar with games, where there is no tanks in your teams. Venom third position is a ruin in a game. Venom soft support - great. Tidehunter is one of my favourite heroes, but it is a piece of shit and that's a pity. Also, third position should have disables, which Venom and Tide don't have. Thats all