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15 коментара

    Where is Spectre


      Low mmr players that are not even Divine ranked, should not be allowed to comment


        Low brain players that are not even Brain ranked, should not be allowed to comment


          dont talk if you are not top 2k player


            Where's our Kez review?


              I am going to be honest with you: I am not qualified to talk about Kez. I've tried many, many times on my testing account that I use for some off-meta stuff and weird builds (roughly ~800 MMR below my main) and I still won 2/14 games. I think for the most part the hero is 80%+ execution and the rest is theoretical knowledge. There isn't a secret "build" or "tech" to make the hero work better, he is mostly about pressing buttons well and I am genuinely bad at it lately — the ping is rising in my country to 100+ and my age is also rising to 30+, which is certainly not helpful. The reaction speed isn't the problem per se, but some wrist and lower back pains are distracting))

                »I|[ LOrd Eddard $tark ]]

                Sorry but jugg bf and phase boots does not making any damage with ulti, his Q and ulti scale with ms, mjolnir will be always better

                Hexy Rose~

                  ^ yeah and still most of immortal players are opting for "mjolnir" instead of BF.
                  I remember Kawaii u said it once that Maelstrom scales better than BF for heroes who can build it because BF is just much more gold and <Maelstrom> could make carry start farming sooner. Idk what made u change ur mind about it now.

                  aikyu3 SuBi ♪

                    just checking if I still got my star after not playing for so long :3

                    aikyu3 SuBi ♪
                      Овај коментар је избрисан.

                        Personally I prefer Maelstrom into AS builds, with treads on Jugg, but there are some sustain issues and the farming speed isn't as high, still. Moreover, with a lot of zoo heroes being popular right now, having extra cleave is never bad.

                        There is also a question of sustain. With BF you get to use all of your skills whenever you want, essentially. Since Jugg isn't a really good hero to build falcon blade on, some mana issues do tend to creep up.

                        BF is also substantially cheaper than Mjollnir, while also giving you better stack clear. In a better coordinated game it can come into play a lot: when contesting potential enemy stacks you want to gtfo asap, unless you are forcing a fight.

                        Finally, the burst potential is higher with BF. I did a blog post a while back:
                        One of the points that I should have emphasized more is that while DPS for AS/AD is similar and you maximize by having AS=AD, it only starts equalizing after a time. Since Agh's mini-slash is a fixed 1-second duration and it is your "support-deletion" tool for a good while, you want to deal as much damage as possible in this 1 second and it is not long enough for AS=AD builds (Treads/Mjollnir) to equalize dps compared to AD-skewed builds (Phase+Battlefury).


                          Mana issues with Jugg later in the game with the Mael/Mjollnir/Aghs build are very real. Battlefury definitely helps alleviate that issue. I think though that you can be flexible with your choice. The maelstrom route may be far better against high armor opponents where the extra magic damage helps bypass the armor mitigation. Plus, you can't disregard the active component of Mjollnir. You should always take into consideration the opposing team and your current game performance when making your build path. Being closed-minded is why you see some Spectre/Lifestealer/Bloodseeker players with 24-30 minute Radiances.

                          Pagpag Enjoyer

                            what in god name is this meta update but its nice i guess for low rank plyer


                              Wrait king через скелетов верим