1789313141624510612Talent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain SlowTalent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow11Talent Tree+250 AoE Hex25+600 Earth Spike cast range/travel distanceEarth Spike affects a 30 degree cone20+20 Finger of Death Damage Per Kill+15% To Hell And Back Debuff/Spell Amp15-2.5s Hex Cooldown+20 Movement Speed10+10% Mana Drain Slow15
481113151416237961218Talent Tree2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty MultiplierTalent Tree2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier10Talent Tree2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier15
313141614582791161218Talent Tree+18 Warpath Damage Per Stack25+12% Spell Lifesteal+20 Quill Stack Damage20+25 Health Regen+8%/4% Bristleback Back/Side Damage Reduction15+250 Goo Cast Range+1.5 Mana Regen10+25 Attack SpeedTalent Tree+18 Warpath Damage Per Stack25+12% Spell Lifesteal+20 Quill Stack Damage20+25 Health Regen+8%/4% Bristleback Back/Side Damage Reduction15+250 Goo Cast Range+1.5 Mana Regen10+25 Attack Speed10Talent Tree+18 Warpath Damage Per Stack25+12% Spell Lifesteal+20 Quill Stack Damage20+25 Health Regen+8%/4% Bristleback Back/Side Damage Reduction15+250 Goo Cast Range+1.5 Mana Regen10+25 Attack Speed15Talent Tree+18 Warpath Damage Per Stack25+12% Spell Lifesteal+20 Quill Stack Damage20+25 Health Regen+8%/4% Bristleback Back/Side Damage Reduction15+250 Goo Cast Range+1.5 Mana Regen10+25 Attack Speed20
135748913211141561218Talent Tree450 Distance Auto Remnant in Ball Lightning25=2x Overload Attack Bounce-1.25s Static Remnant Cooldown20+0.2s Electric Vortex Duration+60 Static Remnant Damage15+250 Health+1.5 Mana Regen10-20 Overload Attack/Movement Speed SlowTalent Tree450 Distance Auto Remnant in Ball Lightning25=2x Overload Attack Bounce-1.25s Static Remnant Cooldown20+0.2s Electric Vortex Duration+60 Static Remnant Damage15+250 Health+1.5 Mana Regen10-20 Overload Attack/Movement Speed Slow10Talent Tree450 Distance Auto Remnant in Ball Lightning25=2x Overload Attack Bounce-1.25s Static Remnant Cooldown20+0.2s Electric Vortex Duration+60 Static Remnant Damage15+250 Health+1.5 Mana Regen10-20 Overload Attack/Movement Speed Slow16Talent Tree450 Distance Auto Remnant in Ball Lightning25=2x Overload Attack Bounce-1.25s Static Remnant Cooldown20+0.2s Electric Vortex Duration+60 Static Remnant Damage15+250 Health+1.5 Mana Regen10-20 Overload Attack/Movement Speed Slow20Talent Tree450 Distance Auto Remnant in Ball Lightning25=2x Overload Attack Bounce-1.25s Static Remnant Cooldown20+0.2s Electric Vortex Duration+60 Static Remnant Damage15+250 Health+1.5 Mana Regen10-20 Overload Attack/Movement Speed Slow25
135728910411131461218Talent Tree-50s Mana Void Cooldown25+200 Blink Cast Range+0.7s Mana Void Stun20+0.2 Mana Void Damage Multiplier+5%/15% Persecutor Min/Max Movement Slow15+1% Max Mana Mana Burn+200 Mana Void Radius10+3 Health RegenTalent Tree-50s Mana Void Cooldown25+200 Blink Cast Range+0.7s Mana Void Stun20+0.2 Mana Void Damage Multiplier+5%/15% Persecutor Min/Max Movement Slow15+1% Max Mana Mana Burn+200 Mana Void Radius10+3 Health Regen15Talent Tree-50s Mana Void Cooldown25+200 Blink Cast Range+0.7s Mana Void Stun20+0.2 Mana Void Damage Multiplier+5%/15% Persecutor Min/Max Movement Slow15+1% Max Mana Mana Burn+200 Mana Void Radius10+3 Health Regen16Talent Tree-50s Mana Void Cooldown25+200 Blink Cast Range+0.7s Mana Void Stun20+0.2 Mana Void Damage Multiplier+5%/15% Persecutor Min/Max Movement Slow15+1% Max Mana Mana Burn+200 Mana Void Radius10+3 Health Regen20Talent Tree-50s Mana Void Cooldown25+200 Blink Cast Range+0.7s Mana Void Stun20+0.2 Mana Void Damage Multiplier+5%/15% Persecutor Min/Max Movement Slow15+1% Max Mana Mana Burn+200 Mana Void Radius10+3 Health Regen25
159104111314237861218Talent Tree-4s Charge of Darkness Cooldown25+20% Greater Bash DamageBulldoze 400 All Damage Barrier20-0.3s Greater Bash Cooldown+45 Damage15-3s Bulldoze Cooldown+4 Armor10+500 Night VisionTalent Tree-4s Charge of Darkness Cooldown25+20% Greater Bash DamageBulldoze 400 All Damage Barrier20-0.3s Greater Bash Cooldown+45 Damage15-3s Bulldoze Cooldown+4 Armor10+500 Night Vision15Talent Tree-4s Charge of Darkness Cooldown25+20% Greater Bash DamageBulldoze 400 All Damage Barrier20-0.3s Greater Bash Cooldown+45 Damage15-3s Bulldoze Cooldown+4 Armor10+500 Night Vision16Talent Tree-4s Charge of Darkness Cooldown25+20% Greater Bash DamageBulldoze 400 All Damage Barrier20-0.3s Greater Bash Cooldown+45 Damage15-3s Bulldoze Cooldown+4 Armor10+500 Night Vision20Talent Tree-4s Charge of Darkness Cooldown25+20% Greater Bash DamageBulldoze 400 All Damage Barrier20-0.3s Greater Bash Cooldown+45 Damage15-3s Bulldoze Cooldown+4 Armor10+500 Night Vision25
145738141629101161218Talent Tree+50% Blade Dance Lifesteal25+1s Omnislash Duration-3s Blade Fury Cooldown20+2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill+40 Movement Speed During Blade Fury15+1% Healing Ward Heal+4% Duelist Damage10-12s Healing Ward CooldownTalent Tree+50% Blade Dance Lifesteal25+1s Omnislash Duration-3s Blade Fury Cooldown20+2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill+40 Movement Speed During Blade Fury15+1% Healing Ward Heal+4% Duelist Damage10-12s Healing Ward Cooldown13Talent Tree+50% Blade Dance Lifesteal25+1s Omnislash Duration-3s Blade Fury Cooldown20+2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill+40 Movement Speed During Blade Fury15+1% Healing Ward Heal+4% Duelist Damage10-12s Healing Ward Cooldown15Talent Tree+50% Blade Dance Lifesteal25+1s Omnislash Duration-3s Blade Fury Cooldown20+2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill+40 Movement Speed During Blade Fury15+1% Healing Ward Heal+4% Duelist Damage10-12s Healing Ward Cooldown20Talent Tree+50% Blade Dance Lifesteal25+1s Omnislash Duration-3s Blade Fury Cooldown20+2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill+40 Movement Speed During Blade Fury15+1% Healing Ward Heal+4% Duelist Damage10-12s Healing Ward Cooldown25
5121315248111379616Talent Tree+18% Max Thirst MS252 Rupture Charges-0.7% Bloodrage Max Health Damage Per Second20+425 Rupture Cast Range+100 Blood Rite Damage15+8% Rupture Initial Damage+15% Bloodrage Spell Amplification10+25 Bloodrage Attack SpeedTalent Tree+18% Max Thirst MS252 Rupture Charges-0.7% Bloodrage Max Health Damage Per Second20+425 Rupture Cast Range+100 Blood Rite Damage15+8% Rupture Initial Damage+15% Bloodrage Spell Amplification10+25 Bloodrage Attack Speed10Talent Tree+18% Max Thirst MS252 Rupture Charges-0.7% Bloodrage Max Health Damage Per Second20+425 Rupture Cast Range+100 Blood Rite Damage15+8% Rupture Initial Damage+15% Bloodrage Spell Amplification10+25 Bloodrage Attack Speed14Talent Tree+18% Max Thirst MS252 Rupture Charges-0.7% Bloodrage Max Health Damage Per Second20+425 Rupture Cast Range+100 Blood Rite Damage15+8% Rupture Initial Damage+15% Bloodrage Spell Amplification10+25 Bloodrage Attack Speed18
213141513574891161218Talent Tree+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow DurationTalent Tree+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration10Talent Tree+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration16Talent Tree+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration20Talent Tree+20% Bodyguard Damage25Unleash Duration Extended By 6s On Kill+10% Unleash Movement Speed20+0.75s Rebound Stun Duration+10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus15+100 Dispose Damage+75 Rebound Landing Radius10+1.5s Dispose Slow Duration25
289111457313141661218Talent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPSTalent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS10Talent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS15Talent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS20Talent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS25