General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    G: good winrate kda on most played
    B: smurf

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      Solo Leveling

        good: abuse leshrac
        Bad : didn't follow the rule

        fuck valorant

          g: your most played is rubick :DD and you have a nice assist average
          b: your rubick wr is below 50% tho :(


            G: High KDA
            B: Low WR and normalskill


              G: steady all time increase in GPM, XPM, on an eight game winning streak, seems u are improving
              B: You could work on your KDA, try to die less


                G: Very High skill, Good win rates on your best heroes, Solid variety of heroes too
                B: Looks like you and killerbunny have been struggling this week

                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                    +: techies player
                    - : no friends

                    (why that many match without stats?)


                      +=Pudge picker
                      -=normal skill

                      fuck valorant

                        g; GPM and LH/10 has been increasing over time
                        b; sub 50 wr


                          G: Jugg, wr, zeus, weaver

                          B: negative ranked winrate


                            G: Luna, storm and pl; overall winrate

                            B: Low most healing record; sometimes I miss you in early- and mid-game teamfights when you are farming

                            John Matrix

                              G: really good timber
                              B: dat invo winrate :/


                                G: support player
                                B: most played hero played six months ago

                                Bad Intentions

                                  G: High impact ember spirit
                                  B: But AM needs more work


                                    <Skipping Turtle as comment was deleted>

                                    @Bad Intentions
                                    G: Venomancer (PLEASE TEACH ME THE WAYS)
                                    B: Ursa winrate this week 4-7 (ouch on those last 9 matches man... but your overall ursa for the month is stellar).


                                      G: good lord you sick fuck, stop picking brood and undying, even tho ur stomping with them
                                      B: kdas are horrid on most top played


                                        G: Why are you so good on the heroes I am bad with that I wish I was good :( Teach me :(
                                        B: Work on getting your last hits up.


                                          G: You're picking up the place and playing better , stomping some games .
                                          B: A lot of heroes in the top played with shit winrate , gotta die less , and up that gpm


                                            -pa winrate even its most played hero


                                              g nice win rate on mid heros, sick tbh

                                              b lost longest match, all random? low maybe?, too much stack


                                                G: mastered earth spirit + win rate of TA ES Tinker Mirana
                                                B: invoker pudge rubick


                                                  G:nice top heroes win rate and overrall
                                                  B: normal brack, but dont take my words for it

                                                  *ps valentina, im player that spam 1 mode other than ap till 500-600 games played (on that mode) eg the random draft . not in lp. haha


                                                    Good mid player and awesome winrate
                                                    Bad try and play support its fun


                                                      G: Very decent win rate and KDA on lots of heroes, good hero variety
                                                      B: 2 out of top 3 most played heroes with <50% win rate


                                                        Check this out


                                                          g: Zeus
                                                          b: Sf


                                                            +Nice SF
                                                            -Rarely play support :c


                                                              g: hero variety, performance in the last couple of months
                                                              b: you're no dendi


                                                                G: A lot of different heroes played, nice overall winrate
                                                                B: Low winrate on some of the most played heroes like void and naix

                                                                KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                  G: Maiden/Support Player
                                                                  B:Low WR on your top heroes and nothing going above 60%


                                                                    G: sick visage
                                                                    B: fucking viper picker

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                      + Ranked win rate, Troll wr and KDA, NP WR

                                                                      - Normal skill


                                                                        + WP Lanaya, even on VHS, plays are usually stable imo, never played Techies^^

                                                                        - Seems like Invoker is not that stable...)


                                                                          + Support player, decent winrates on your main heroes

                                                                          - Sub 50% winrate, Normal skill, 31% wr in ranked

                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                            G: good KDAs for support player
                                                                            B: normal skill, donest really show how good you actually are

                                                                            fuck valorant

                                                                              g: should play more carry-oriented heroes cause the wr on some of them like tiny and riki are very high
                                                                              b: higher average deaths than kills


                                                                                g: on a winstreak lately, with great stats
                                                                                b: normal skill, close to 50% wr

                                                                                Dagoth Ur

                                                                                  g: on a really nice winstreak, reminds me of my slark spamming days
                                                                                  b: N O R M A L B R A C K E T B O Y S


                                                                                    G: top 4 heroes have a 60% win rate and more then 75 games on each
                                                                                    B: PLAY A SUPPORT ONCE IN A WHILE!!!!


                                                                                      G: Overall winrate is nice
                                                                                      B: Holy hell your Treant Protector kda is awful

                                                                                      lone wolf

                                                                                        G: Nice Viper you got there
                                                                                        B: Winrate with Invoker is not impressive


                                                                                          Good: play lot of games
                                                                                          Bad: why still in normal bracket ?

                                                                                          Me Mid=Lose 100%™

                                                                                            G: techies:
                                                                                            B: smurf :\


                                                                                              G: VHS
                                                                                              B: die a little bit too much , and gpm is sub 400


                                                                                                G: VHS WR Lina Jugger and having a good KDA too
                                                                                                B: PA


                                                                                                  good overall winrate
                                                                                                  meh kda on most played