General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
fuck valorant

    g: those winrates on your top 2
    b: low matches played so I cant say much but you have a sub 50 winrate on SF


      G: Seems to know how to handle hard heroes like invoker, earth spirit
      B: Needs to step up your formance to get to high skill brackets, win rate on earth is so low :\


        G: You're going up on your averages so you're improving even though you have so many matches
        B: You're vhs winrate is 48% winrate which is rather odd

        Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

          G: Winrate on best heroes
          B: Only plays core

          lone wolf

            G: Decent Winrate and KDA on WW
            B: That Venomancer...


              G: you are pretty consistent
              B: step ypur game up on alche


                G: good KDA and win rate on most heroes, participating in leagues, nice hero variety
                B: Your lina and visage


                  G: good/ok kdas, winrates on most played
                  B: 46% winrate this month

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    + win rate, Storm, Axe, Ember, Void

                    - normal skill


                      G: TA
                      B: SF

                      fuck valorant

                        g: troll wr and high kda across games
                        b: normal skill


                          G: Dark Seer @ 58% win rate, VERY nice.
                          B: How the hell did they see you, 20% win rate with riki?


                            G: I love vladmirs offering, probably my favorite item, I guess you have it a lot though because of brood
                            B: DISGUSTING BROOD PICKER

                            Овај коментар је измењен

                              G: very good win rate + KDA on every most played hero ( that sniper and TA is insane)
                              B: WR winrate?

                              Dagoth Ur

                                G: Very good ranked winrate and 50%+ on most played heroes
                                B: Normal skill bracket but with that winrate I can see you easily getting out of it soon.


                                  G: Winning ranking spreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
                                  B: smurf?


                                    G: Dayum, that antimage. Also props for being able to play invoker.
                                    B: Doesn't seem like you play support much.

                                    [DFG] Whale King

                                      G: Nice Silencer and Weaver gameplay
                                      B: I detest jug with a blazing passion of lina

                                      fuck valorant

                                        g: amazing storm spirit with high kda and wr
                                        b: still have 6 unplayed heroes :P

                                        On The Grind

                                          g: average storm kda is 7.55, holy f$#*
                                          b: risky rapira builder

                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                            + normal MM win rate

                                            - ranked win rate, smurf


                                              + Templar Assassin Nice
                                              - Invoker looks like rust


                                                g: seems like a versatile player with a combined core/supp
                                                b: not good at playing with friends? lol


                                                  Good:Smurfing, thus I would assume he has a high mmr acc, 
                                                  good work!
                                                  Bad: If hes smurfing while having sub 6k or something that would be kinda sad lol


                                                    G : You got noticed by EE! Awesome Oracle work and that playing with cogs video blew my mind. I also enjoy your posts on the forums

                                                    B: I'm not even sure what's bad about you man. Praise DD-sama


                                                      G: invoker

                                                      B: ssssssssssstorm


                                                        G: Mid player, decent invoker and morph
                                                        B: rubick w/r

                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          G: You have impressive KDAs in your top heroes right now:
                                                          B: Im not sure how those KDAs will translate when u move up from normal to high skill or vhs.


                                                            G: Seems like very exp. BloodCyka player, with a bit low winrate if we take the fact that's your main hero stats-wise.
                                                            B: For over 2000 games, I can't just deal with the fact your GPM/CS per min/XPM are quiet low actually.


                                                              g: good sf, high wr with many games
                                                              b: <50% winrate and lots of unplayed heroes/heroes with 1 game


                                                                G: Only 3 abandoned matches 0_o

                                                                B: For some reason many players that main supports have low invoker winrates. You being one of them

                                                                puni puni butt UWU

                                                                  g: Tinker
                                                                  b: not enough tinker

                                                                  fuck valorant

                                                                    g: fuck me, that tinker holy shit
                                                                    b: sub 50 wr on naga


                                                                      g: supa mida
                                                                      b: doesn't play ranked to get to his actual mmr.


                                                                        G: Props on that windranger winrate
                                                                        B: With a winrate like that, how are you still in normal skill?


                                                                          g: generally high winrate on most played heroes, great weaver and juggernaut
                                                                          b: fluctuation between normal and high skill in ranked despite being vhs in unranked

                                                                          oh and i was sub 1.5k mmr when i first started with solo and group, slowly but steadily climbing

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                                                                          Protato BBnoZAR

                                                                            Bad:limited positions


                                                                              fleixible and quite competent player
                                                                              really not much to criticize


                                                                                g: seems like a pretty decent mid/safe lane smurf
                                                                                b: wouldn't want to play with you given your lack of flexibility in roles


                                                                                  G: mirana and other mid heroes
                                                                                  B: plays any role


                                                                                    G: 13 win streak

                                                                                    B: You lost your longest game

                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                    puni puni butt UWU

                                                                                      g: solid storm spirit

                                                                                      b: fuck BLOODSEEKER


                                                                                        g: very good mid player
                                                                                        b: 80% of your games in normal bracket and only 38% win in very high bracket


                                                                                          g: support player
                                                                                          b: kda, you can probably work on your positioning


                                                                                            Good : experienced player with big hero pool
                                                                                            Bad : senpai didnt notice me

                                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                              G: can play wisp
                                                                                              B: so many unplayed heroes


                                                                                                G:Ranked winrate \
                                                                                                B: That profile pic and name

                                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                                  G: Strong KDA nos.
                                                                                                  B: Few games played

                                                                                                  lone wolf

                                                                                                    G: Keep it up climbing with that Ursa. Your Alch is WAY better than mine too.
                                                                                                    B: I see you haven't played a lot of heroes, why not give them a try? . PL, AM and Doom...


                                                                                                      G: Very good abbadon. your climbing with this hero/ and have some nice kda to some heroes
                                                                                                      B: Spectre winrate and kda same with natures prophet.