General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy am I still bad?

Why am I still bad? in General Discussion
nebunu la jokuri 77777

    I play dota for over 6 years, know almost everything about the game ,watching all the competitive games, streams,etc, but I'm still at 49%WR and 3,5k mmr.
    What am I doing wrong? Can someone look at my profile or w/e?

    Thanks for suggestions.


      south american


        many people playing dota for years, yet not many of them mastering few heroes.

        I have many friends on same generation also, 4-5 years playing dota (so am i) but they just keep playing without realize actually they still lack something that they can improve.

        Such example :
        -If they use doom jungle, my friend still can only get midas minute 7-8. They thought it was good, but actually you can get doom midas at minute 6, If dire u can get it at minute 5.

        -Many people know that rune spawn at minute 2, 4,6.. etc. But not many people want to check it, I see so many lycan jungle not using wolf to scout. Even they know that rune will be spawn.

        -And many more

        So what im saying is, have a constructive discussion with your friend about the way you play dota. Are you good enough? or just good, or actually you are not as good as you think? Having someone who told you like that(friend in real life) is great.

        But maybe i can give you a few tips
        1. Do something that you still didnt know, like alchemist stacking in mid ancient using acid etc. Einsten once said, insanity is doing the same thing with expecting different result. Try it.

        2. Watch your own replay, I always watched my replay game. Laughing at what stupid mistake i did, learn enemy war position. etc.

        3. Watching competitive games doesnt make u stronger, but it will be stronger by watching in player perspective imo. Because by watching player perspective you know how to do something with efficient.

        maybe just that, try to enjoy dota more :3


          you dont play pub stompers


            Often the things that actually improve your games and your teams chances are things that may appear to shoot yourself in the foot at first glance, the Lycan wolf thing being an example. If you're without your wolves for a few seconds that's DPS you're missing out on and jungle farm you won't get. That's bad for you. If it helps you win your mid lane, that's phenomenal for you. Hopefully the mid laner will repay the favour 10x.

            I remember having a game not so long ago where I was supporting a stubborn as shit N'aix. We were against a weaver in lane and he died a few times so he asked me to get sentries, I had literally 0 gold so I told him I couldn't and he should spend some of his gold to get some, win the lane back and maybe get a kill. After saying this he flamed and then ultimately muted me saying things like 'LOL Noob things carries should get sentries' etc. I think he died 2-3 more times in lane then left me solo to jungle, meaning I was solo against a fat weaver with 0 gold. I myself died a few times in that lane after that and he was convinced it was my fault. That 200 gold investment probably would have got us a kill worth ~500 gold (due to killing spree) and would have won the lane back but the dude was far too stubborn to ever consider buying sentries.

            I looked on his account after, he ONLY plays carries. This sort of person will struggle like fuck to progress because of his attitude, not his gaming abilities.

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              @guiri, Dude maybe you can edit and add enter, So make us easier to read what you post :3

              anywy, on topic at what guiri saying. I agreed with that, people must try to play every role in dota so they know how support feel when the carry farm so slow, or playing carry and know how support not carrying smoke in the whole game etc.

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              nebunu la jokuri 77777

                @Wink ,lol no, Europe:D
                @Flop,thanks for reply, but I pretty much do that stuff, watching my replays after I lose to see my mistakes. Also been watching player perspective of Mushi, 4rtz and Burning. I really enjoy the game, but I seem to be doing something wrong, I can't get to 4k.
                @drophar, I hate pub stompers
                @Guiri,i usually buy wards and upgrade courier if no one does, no matter what role I play


                  I started playing late 2012 and cant progress past 4k mmr due to autistic fuckwits

                  nebunu la jokuri 77777

                    I hate the 'blame my team' attitude. Everyone gets terrible players sometimes, but you gotta know how to win the game anyway and get along with them, but it just seems I can't drag them with me to win


                      isnt 3k is average in dota 2? maybe try to use same heroes to gain mmr. Because not many heroes have the power to win the game by himsellf.

                      nebunu la jokuri 77777

                        It is average, but I wanna go higher, considering that most of the people in 3k mmr go for razor vanguard and stuff like that:D


                          Chill dude, this is not Diablo!

                          I'm also in the 3500 area (3612 atm) and I feel I play with players that are just as skilled as me, at least when nobody stacks. If you have ~50% chance to win in your games, you're where you should be.

                          nebunu la jokuri 77777

                            I didn't say I belong elsewhere, I asked how to improve and what am I doing wrong:D

                            Sup m8

                              You never play support. Sometimes you just have to man up and be the bitch. Supports win games


                                trust me the only time I play shit is when I get outplayed by better players, Blame is justified when it comes to ranked when people don't have the same motivation they simply play it because w/e. More often than not no matter how well a single person plays all their effort is negated due to some fuckwit who doesnt belong in ranked.

                                Another one is high ping players going on foreign servers for w/e reason? So often my team will have 2-3 SEA players who get 400 ping on aussie servers, on SEA they probably arent bad players but what can they do with 400 ping?

                                I've stopped playing ranked so I dont have an aneurysm and kill myself, nonranked i see some funny shit and im actually enjoying dota now.

                                Sugar Show

                                  DO you EVEN COUNTERPICK?

                                  nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                    I do counterpick whenever I can


                                      Can't believe people still playing dota since 6 years ago.
                                      I started 1 year ago and right now literally has lost the desire to play this game seriously.


                                        ^ u lucky, people who play for many years cant just leave it in the past forever, at least thats how i feel about it.

                                        nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                          These were w3 maps which you could play when you got bored of dota.
                                          I used to play on eurobattle and garena and also had fun with maps like Vampirism, Angel Arena, Green TD, etc so you would've never got bored.

                                          nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                            @n7k1, exactly, I feel like it's a big part of my life already, that's why I can't understand what can I do better. I guess I'm just not natural talented for it

                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                              Aside from carries you have like 0 support above 50% winrate that you play alot. So you are playing either at a lower MMR game where the supports suck more. You play too much carry heroes IMO with little effect to wins, compared to say your Jug/weaver combo. Your pudge & slark are a bit sub-tier so I suggest not playing them either. Clock, QoP & Rubrick should be off the list too.

                                              Cuz u play so much position 1 & 2. I suppose you don't buy wards. So I'm assuming ur in that trash tier that doesn't buy. You can't play carries all the time, you should focus on heroes with higher game impact and also 1-2 support heroes like lich or lina etc...


                                                ^agreed at what chickendog said

                                                Since you played dota so many years, you must learn fresh point of view from support. It will help you alot.



                                                  How you get midas mn 6 with doom (5 on dire side), if you didn't randomed it ?

                                                  nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                    I know how to support, in dota 1 I only played support, but nowdays I hate watching some random dude who misses lasthits


                                                      ^however i consider it as your excuse dude. Some games you meet bad carry, some games you meet bad support. Life goes on.

                                                      @exo, buy queling blade and stout shield as starting item, ask one tango to your team.
                                                      1. In radiant
                                                      -Just play two camp until 3 minute, big camp and medium camp near mid lane
                                                      -0.28 stay at close big camp, 0.30 devour the big creep and hit big camp medium camp with using devour non stop
                                                      -by minute 1 you buy glove of haste, take it.
                                                      -If you go back to fountain(usually around minute 3, minute 4 if you lucky enough get the satyr with health regen) use your gold to buy ring of regen, and then sell it before 10 second.
                                                      Ps : go back to fountain only once, at minute 6 you will get it.

                                                      2. The dire, same not much different. However, there is a little trick on dire which you can cut a tree in medium camp so you can 1v1 on neutral (hard to explain), maybe you can add me so i can show it on lobby.


                                                        Any jungler who doesn't understand that dire's little trick should just kill themselves really LOL

                                                        You can also 1vs1 at medium camp at radiant near mid lane by using the shortcut to block the 2nd neutral from attacking you

                                                        Most of the camp both radiant and dire you can 1vs 1, but at some spot you will become too vulnerable to gank.



                                                          I know the trick to cut trees, you can do the same to radian btw, hoewer I never managed to get midas 6 mn or 5 mn. Maybe I fight in wrong camps. And u can hide from ganks at radian.

                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                            Look ur kda, its showing u that u play for urself and not for team and victory. Look my kda and i have 5.5rating :P

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              @Guiri, that shit happens all the time. This game our pudge sucked, like couldn't lane a hook on a hero standing still level of badness, yet all game all he said was no wards, I can't mid without wards! Lion warded once at start and didn't for a while so yea it was bad but we had 4 carries so we told him dude buy one set if you can see runes for your bottle. NO I CAN'T PUDGE IS CARRY! I started raging on him, pudge is NOT a carry, if you need rune control buy a goddam ward blah blah. I still can't believe we won with how bad he was.

                                                              Worst of all his ineptitude mid put me down like 6 deaths early cus he never came to my lane to help vs invoker and ogre magi. For some reason lion kept taking off to roam as well... not really sure why, all I know is I needed a gank bottom badly and there were tons of opportunities but pudge had lost mid so bad he never even tried.


                                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                He lies, he's not 3.5k MMR he's 3.0k mmr. Also 5% leaver rate not sure if that's high or normal for South American player. Only 2 heroes out of the top 15 on his most played heroes are support. You aren't gonna go far if you can't rotate off your jug/weaver AP games.


                                                                  It boils down to complacency. Ironically new players seem to have more "flair" than old players in most cases due to the fact that dota veterans for the most part become quite complacent thinking their years of skill will simply allow them to be better than most at the game.

                                                                  While this is not always the case, look at some of the people on the top list who have played the most games out of anyone. They all sit at 49-50% simply because they have played so much they just plateau and become average players despite years of experience.


                                                                    you won't start skyrocketing mmr if you start playing support, don't talk bullshit, especially if you are going to solo q. if you stack, then sure support someone that you know will be able to carry the game, given the farm he needs. i got calibrated at 3,1k when ranked came out, when i was playing casually games (didn't care that much about winning). after i wanted to improve and played more (solo queues) and got 4,1k, and dropped to 3,9k now, by only playing mid (was like insta picking invoker) and sometimes carry. sometimes i did pick a support when my team was full of carries, but it did not work out well, since i fucking suck at supporting.

                                                                    also i find it quite hard to win pubs in the scrub tier without picking pub stompers. heroes that rely on your team don't work that well most of the times.

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                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      If you are not a good support dont pick support, now its clear to me that if you are going to be useless as a support even if you are the last pick just pick a jungler or something.

                                                                      I am awful at supporting, so i am just going to stop picking them.

                                                                      I am going to copy paste this guys opinion ( juice, the guy who got a 3 k account and its now at 4,8 k )

                                                                      "when you're playing against 1 support while being 2 supports and:

                                                                      1) their tb is allowed to rush a naked radiance
                                                                      2) their mid doesn't get ganked/gets ganked incompetently and doesnt die
                                                                      3) their offlaner has the exp of a solo lane
                                                                      4) their lycan has complete freefarm for the first 10 min
                                                                      5) chicken isn't upgraded at 3 min

                                                                      then what's the point of it? i understand all of you little puppets who love calling yourself a support in pubs, but i can count the number of good supports ive met on the fingers of my 2 hands. usually theyre incapable of doing anything around the map, end up underfarmed underleveld and just overall complete food due to not being efficient

                                                                      now compare that to a lycan who watched a 10 min long youtube video on how to pve his way to vlads medal roshan towers

                                                                      if you're not confident you can make an impact on your support hero then don't even pick it and go with some greedy doom jungle, you'll win more games because people aren't efficient at moving around the map in groups that aren't 1 or 5"


                                                                        ^amazing post

                                                                        totally me

                                                                        "minus one support, go pick support flop"
                                                                        "fuck support, i go doom/lycan jungle"
                                                                        "ally : ....."

                                                                        King of Low Prio


                                                                          plz follow that advice


                                                                            First of all winrate means nothing secondly MMR also means nothign :P add me and i could play a game or 100 with you and see whats up!

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              MM means something if I have never seen one decent player have 2k MM

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                @Dorkly ok but in general supports have better team fight and disables than carries. So even if they don't rotate and gank I still want several of them. I'll still take a tide or warlock who doesn't gank just for their team fight over a 5th pick slark or riki.

                                                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                  He's not bad player, just really good players top play support.


                                                                                    Flop 5 min dire midas wood with doom? OH SHUT UP PLZ. If you can do this I give you all my items fckn tard,you cant get 5 min midas , maybe if you get fb. otherwise theres no chance even if you are mega giga lucky with creeps.


                                                                                      I'm stuck in the 4k mmr bracket... I think its because I'm too lazy to be completely in the game and follow all 10 heroes on the minimap, because I'm too lazy to watch pro games, because I play this for the sake of fun, because I random a hero often, because I play a huge variety of heroes.
                                                                                      If I was a tryharder, playing my best 5 heroes, going the same meta every game, I'd probably go a long way... I think have an immense knowlage of dota 2 and its mechanics, and quick reactions.
                                                                                      (I tend to fuck up the armlet toggle from time to time tho :D)

                                                                                      ALSO PLAYING SOLO DOTA IS BAD! Play it with friends, I have twice as much fun while I'm with friends.
                                                                                      Sometimes I prefer not to play, than to play solo.

                                                                                      NOBODY EVER SPEAKS ABOUT TALENT, they always speak about talent for singing, football and shit like that...

                                                                                      Nobody ever mentions, oh that guy's a talented gamer, he's got quick hands and bla bla...

                                                                                      Sorry mate, probably you just don't have it in you... :)

                                                                                      A much better way to enjoy dota is to not care so much, just play it for fun... but playing for fun is impossible if you play it more than 3 hours daily...
                                                                                      If you play dota more than that it will lead you to being very nervous...
                                                                                      I was home sick playing dota for straight 3 days, I've cought myself home alone, screaming and hitting the table after I die for a stupid reason...

                                                                                      Long post... thanks for the read.
                                                                                      Here's a potato:

                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                        yeah talent is important, in the end of the day is a video game and some people are better than other in videogames



                                                                                          Shots fired !, my record 5.30. Does it still count as 5 minute? :3

                                                                                          If yes, im happily show you the replay.

                                                                                          Anywy, I will shut up. If someday you have higher mmr than me :3

                                                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                            Yea honestly... i mean i would assume you rotated for a firstblood kill... but besides that its not that unheard of especially before the price hike.

                                                                                            Regardless.... @OP: Dota is a mentally taxing game. I think it is really important to for players struggle to improve to think about and learn to maximize their time in game. You basically have 20-30 minutes in most games to do as much as possible in the least amount of time as possible to ensure a win. That means landing as many last hits as possible, and paying attention to the map for ganks/counter ganks as much as possible.

                                                                                            My point is, i think one of the most overlook aspects of improving as a dota player is situational awareness, because it is a "skill" that is mentally taxing, requires memorization experience and practice, and can becoming increasingly difficult when your team is behaving strangely/playing poorly or you are losing.


                                                                                              Going to cry a bit, ignore if you want:

                                                                                              Well, I come here to complain:
                                                                                              Captain's Draft, CK>Slardar - right? No matter, I could kill him solo (Could if had the chance), I managed to have same farm as him even tho I always lost teamfights and he always won. WHY? MY TEAM GOES 1 BY 1, THEIR TEAM GOES 5!
                                                                                              Simple... and I've tried to lead my team but they always ended up going alone anyway...

                                                                                              I didn't play this especially well at all, but it would be more than enough if my team was there.

                                                                                              Everyone was NEATLY dying at every teamfight, 1 by 1, so nobody can say, IDIOT WHY YOU SOLO, COME HELP TEAMFIGHT! :D

                                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен


                                                                                                I will gladly see a replay assuming there's no first blood or regen runes.

                                                                                                Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                                                  I think I can sum it up in one word. Complacency. You're too comfortable with how you play cause you've been playing it so long. I think I've plateaued and I'm struggling to find out ways to get better. I watch replays and in game write down times I did shot wrong to try and learn from it but it's so hard changing habits you've had for so long


                                                                                                    There are two reasons why you are still bad.

                                                                                                    1) You do not have talent at playing games (reaction time, mechanics, game sense).

                                                                                                    2) If 1) is true, you are not trying hard enough to improve yourself at learning many things such as cooldowns etc etc etc.

                                                                                                    If you want to get out of the 3k tier games, you should play heroes that can split push really well like lycan, furion etc.

                                                                                                    nebunu la jokuri 77777



                                                                                                        In the end its about having fun, in fact, it should be priority number 1. Anything besides it, is a delicious extra if achieved. Valve introduced a rating for the people who were massivley asking for it. They knew it also has downsides and can have some deviations in accuracy. However, usually people with a good game understanding will shine with a decent rating.

                                                                                                        This being said, if ur main goal is having fun, being in your bracket is actually better than suffering the constant tryhard in the "upper class".

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!