in romanian (if thats what ure asking)
bafta=good luck
departe=far (away), but it could mean further (although it should be bafta mai departe in this case)
arin, ty for that, the answer was right. Can you look at this one too?
One end of a heavy beam of mass M = 50.9 kg is hinged to a vertical wall, and the other end is tied to a steel cable of length 3.00 m, as shown in the figure. The other end of the cable is also attached to the wall at a distance of 4.00 m above the hinge. A mass m = 17.7 kg is hung from one end of the beam by a rope.
a) Determine the tension in the rope.
b) Determine the tension in the cable.
c) Find the force the hinge exerts on the beam.
Didn't pay much attention to it actually, now that you mention though, it doesn't seem that hard yeah. Either way, I gave up on physics honestly, I won't even pass this shit.
What is the absolute best hero to make someone's life miserable in overthrow? Like just run at him form lvl 1, force the back to base and kill them whenever they walk out of it?
ROFL we're awful xd
lol wtf allison
whats the best torrent client?
ive been using utorrent but peoples telling me its awful
i used g=9.81 ms^-2 btw.
qbittorrent is best I think.
thx ill use tt
its a friend on my other acc
This torrent client
u know nothing of the misery that is being highest mmr :P
i dont even wanna know what it feels like when youre 7k and ur mates are 5k or w/e
A 65 year old nursing home patient died of second-degree burns and dehydration after being left out in the sun
mfw when i have spunkis pic saved on my drive
^What's back? do you mean black?
meka go stream doto zaebal
stream undertale no hit runs
meka will u play on saturday at 12-00 ur time in bts quals?
what tha fuck man? I thought it starts @ 13:00
BTS quals
Sat, May 7, 1pm – 4pm
and the story really packs a punch
100% sure it isnt gay weeb shit
jsut testing stuff that spunki told me
ye they are actuall at 1 pm
what does BAFTA DEPARTE mean?
also wasnt rtz and cr1t supposed to cast the manila qualifiers why do i get slacks
bafta mai departe - gl further in romanian
in romanian (if thats what ure asking)
bafta=good luck
departe=far (away), but it could mean further (although it should be bafta mai departe in this case)
nvm ninjad
so far i registered afeect, allison, meka, and havoc for saturday´s btw qualifiers
well so where is my blitz rtc cast
arin, ty for that, the answer was right. Can you look at this one too?
One end of a heavy beam of mass M = 50.9 kg is hinged to a vertical wall, and the other end is tied to a steel cable of length 3.00 m, as shown in the figure. The other end of the cable is also attached to the wall at a distance of 4.00 m above the hinge. A mass m = 17.7 kg is hung from one end of the beam by a rope.
a) Determine the tension in the rope.

b) Determine the tension in the cable.
c) Find the force the hinge exerts on the beam.
b a f t a d e p a r t e
wtf thats elementary physics
Didn't pay much attention to it actually, now that you mention though, it doesn't seem that hard yeah. Either way, I gave up on physics honestly, I won't even pass this shit.
What is the absolute best hero to make someone's life miserable in overthrow? Like just run at him form lvl 1, force the back to base and kill them whenever they walk out of it?
that video is like 20 years old
tiny, slark...