General Discussion

General DiscussionRiki pickers are noobs

Riki pickers are noobs in General Discussion
Boi Danny

    Made new account like I said I will. Only used Riki and got vhs/hs games. This just shows that anyone can play this stupid hero.

    1000 xpm

      u played 10 games. and had 1 very high skill game. whats ur normal mmr?
      and yeah everyone hates riki

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        his normal mmr is like 1000 or less

        casual gamer

          i guess when you reach the highest levels of storm spirit play humanly possible riki becomes more of an issue


            Awesome sample size milord.


              strong roaming and good team fight spells , just like 70% of supports ; so why you think he is big deal?

              M U R D E R

                you get carried in most games though

                this doesnt even mean you could withstand vhs if you were to spam riki


                  Vhs normal all pick means nothing


                    Why do you have 5 different boots in one of your games?


                      1k players can reach vhs/hs no problem creating smurfs. It's not hard.


                        You literally had ONE game where you actually carried the game.

                        All the other games you got carried bigtime (or lost)

                        Boi Danny

                          Well Riki ain't the best carry.


                            Riki is unkillable, because you need 100 gold sentry ward to spot him and 90 gold dust to chase him down, just to get 190 gold for actually killing him. It's like there were no kill at all. Yes, Riki is unkillable...

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                              I am not referring to that, carrying the game means YOU won the game (MVP)



                                this is more dank, manlier than your AGI and damage builds

                                Boi Danny

                                  Why would Riki be mvp? He's there to help the team.

                                  PMS Mantra

                                    5 boot + gem strat is best strat.


                                      What a player!


                                        It's funny cause you actually can't carry with riki even in normal skilled yet here you are saying so much cringe worthy stuff. just stop and try to actually get into vhs ranked before making cringe worthy threads like this,unranked vhs are all shit pretty much like yourself and you only got one vhs game so stop acting like you actually belong there lol.

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                                        Corona FRIES

                                          Picked riki, lost almost half of the game, and called riki picker noobs coz its easy to win LUL

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                                          Boi Danny

                                            Y'all just mad because I proved that I belong in 5k. If I wanted to I could use my main and get out of 1k any time.

                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                            Boi Danny

                                              Nice wr with Riki lol.


                                                lmao this kid, kys please.

                                                Boi Danny

                                                  You first.


                                                    lol, just go f*** yourself, low self esteem kid

                                                    Corona FRIES

                                                      LOL this guy actually thinks he's 5k player.

                                                      PMS Mantra

                                                        Yikes! I suddenly have found myself in Youtube comments section on Dotabuff, somehow...

                                                        Boi Danny

                                                          Zdon thinks he so good because he plays Riki. If he tried a hero that takes skills he would drop to 2k.


                                                            Danny boi with the bars LUL


                                                              If u play riki as carry then u wrong. Your job is to gank, to make sure your team win the lane.

                                                              Boi Danny

                                                                I help support and go gank. See my other game!!! I got gem and boots to give mana to team.


                                                                  If riki picker are noob then you are beyond noob because out of 10 game you only got 1 VHS. Am i right?


                                                                    @Rankiro ignore him man haha , he's a whiny ass noob who acts as if he belongs in vhs but in reality he hasn't even played a single ranked vhs to begin with rofl.

                                                                    Corona FRIES

                                                                      He said he can be 5k if he wants dude, but he's just lazy so he stays in 1k bracket


                                                                        @Youkai he's not even 1k lul, he's below 1k kek

                                                                        Boi Danny

                                                                          I'm not 5k because of many reasons.

                                                                          Team holds me back

                                                                          I play heroes that take skills

                                                                          I play to have fun so I don't even try

                                                                          Lets do Science

                                                                            Unranked is 90% retarded smurfs of 2ks who think they're better than they are so its not really surprising that you'd hit vhs playing against the same retards as you always did but with a higher variance in how your hidden mmr goes up.


                                                                              I'm not sure what's more cringeworthy. This thread or the clueless people who can't realize the dude's yanking their chains.


                                                                                so many kids here.


                                                                                  Trash riki pickers triggered lol. I'm sure the hero right now takes very little skill to play, just roam mid and put smokes down on cores in fights.


                                                                                    ^ if so ez why dont you use it and reach 9k? 6k australia trash.

                                                                                    6k aus = 2k sea noob shit


                                                                                      "I'm not 5k because of many reasons.
                                                                                      Team holds me back
                                                                                      I play heroes that take skills
                                                                                      I play to have fun so I don't even try"
                                                                                      Yeah now I'm 100% sure I shouldn't take you seriously

                                                                                      1st class tourist

                                                                                        This just shows that anyone can play this stupid hero.

                                                                                        r u trying to say ur retarded? i am not get it0

                                                                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                          Phantom Riki can see John Cena


                                                                                            Can't tell if this guy is just fucking with everybody

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              quality thread, quality drinks

                                                                                              solid 5/7 salty delusional kid who's so smart he can justify his reason for sucking at dota but for some reason can't even escape 3 digit MMR.

                                                                                              on a serious note go try and calibrate your account. you may get vhs, but if you do, good luck having 50%+ winrate or even barely 50%


                                                                                                "I'm not 5k because of many reasons.
                                                                                                Team holds me back
                                                                                                I play heroes that take skills
                                                                                                I play to have fun so I don't even try"

                                                                                                Father Jack from Marketing

                                                                                                  Im not 5k because of Harambe.

                                                                                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                                    Everyone is so fucking baited looooooooool

                                                                                                    Or this guy is just dead serious double loooooooooool


                                                                                                      Anyone can play Riki, but not everyone can be good at playing him, as a Riki player myself, I find this thread offensive