General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
D the Superior
    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
    doc joferlyn simp

      Well you've got a dragon-bird thing as a profile picture, tell me about that.

      D the Superior
        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
        doc joferlyn simp

          The attraction to such things is very interesting though.

          D the Superior
            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

              I don't give a shit about getting roasted on my thread
              I only care about getting answers, which I got, now fuck off

              doc joferlyn simp



                  hmm really makes you think :thinking:

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    Yo Alice that lil boy deleted his thread about private chat in Dotabuff. Was looking forward to the roasting since Bryant's wasn't enough haHAA


                      I have embraced the cancer

                      FREE PALESTINE

                        A friend of mine gave me a condom knowing full well that I wouldn't be able to use it. FeelsBadMan


                          ^seemsgud and feelsbadman

                          FREE PALESTINE

                            I just hid it in my bag for now, that fuking kunt


                              Lul well nothing you can do bout that. I for one haven't seen a condom up close ever

                              FREE PALESTINE

                                Lul, how to get grills

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  Paging our resident lady killer, Renshin. I repeat, paging our resident lady killer, Renshin.

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    I noticed that I have 100% winrate on LC in party queue and something like 25% in solo queue.

                                    Solo queue teammates are confirmed shit, I'm supposed to be 9k.


                                      Lul, how to get grills

                                      talk to them, maybe? :thinking:


                                        90% void winrate in 7.xx


                                          void still op, nerf pls


                                            Good morning bois

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              Good morning Albert! Welcome to Shadowversebuff!

                                              D the Superior
                                                Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                  I was running on this trail and found a condom wrapper. Also saw a condom floating in a harbor in new york once.

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    "Its not the hero that is op its the player" -every single high mmr elitist who spam OP heroes


                                                      Rofl I found glow in the dark small size condom in my garage and brought it to school before


                                                        In ur garage? Wtf? Also its the player thats good not the hero when bulldog wins with np

                                                        i have 5 reports to use


                                                          Овај коментар је измењен
                                                          BSJ. LGD

                                                            add my weebstone accounts: 662 275 007 (Weebslayer),
                                                            874 210 126 (R)


                                                              Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void


                                                                LOTF AND SERAPH IN ONE PACK WUTFACE


                                                                  AND ELANA TOO WHAAAT THE FUCK KYS ALR

                                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                                    the secret is to flip the cards one by one, plus its much more satisfying


                                                                      lol ikr i do that too hahahah


                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void
                                                                        Also its the player thats good not the hero when bws wins with void

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          Jacked, Weaver support is so good actually why did I ever doubt you.

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            Can confirm as well, without stronger lifesteal Sven is inefficient at surviving during fights while being kited. Of course you are going to get a few attacks in but with a casual Morbid Mask and not the pre 7.00 HotD, lifesteal is not enough to keep you alive, even with Warcry. Kite is too strong. He can probably go around that by getting a Blink Dagger but with a naked Dagger you aren't going to kill anyone, and it's not so good as a farming tool because of the new neutral respawn times, he needs an Ecchi Saber. He can farm the whole map but it's not enough now, not when people like to push early.

                                                                            Sven is dead.


                                                                              looks like u ended up goin carry tho lul


                                                                                weaver support will be even stronger now with what happened to solar and nerfs

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  I got a little bit triggered because Juggernaut marked jungle (was okay though, I've seen cool Juggernaut jungle) but actually he just marked jungle because he though that the enemy team could see our hero placements. Haven't heard of such retardation. Picked Weaver fucked WK early and still he was retarded, watched him try to last hit a creepwave while I was dead and he lost E V E R Y S I N G L E O N E.

                                                                                  After that I wasn't going to go die with them, instead I ratted and took out all T2s while they held base haHAA

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    I don't think Solar is a worth upgrade though. Maybe if with/against LC it's great but I see rushing Agh's after Medallion is much much better since the upgraded Time Lapse is absolutely retarded.

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp



                                                                                        Solar makes it much harder to kill weaver while he is stunned thus allowing him to time lapse afterwards. I wud upgrade after aghs.


                                                                                          Its a rather cheap upgrade too.

                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            With the recent buffs, I'd get it if I was purely a utility hero in the match.

                                                                                            Sadly can't rely on inflated Party MMR children.

                                                                                            Anyways Weaver is so elusive when he gets Aghs, and he was already slippery to begin with when he had Shukuchi. Medallion --> Aghs --> Solar --> Desolator really takes advantage of his capabilities to spilt push if Doom/LC is not in the match.


                                                                                              Remind me to never try out item builds on ranked matches
                                                                                              I actually rushed VG on juggernaut


                                                                                                Eh i like diffusal more than deso as a support weaver but whatever.

                                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                  I don't think that's entirely a bad idea, if against multiple summons like Treant/Lycan and they want to push early. Why would you do that during your game though? Curious.

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    I think Diffusal is kinda more of a "meh" item, maybe if you can really utilize the Feedback vs WK or any low mana, kitable carry. With Shukuchi you're immune to crowd control anyway.

                                                                                                    Desolator helps you to ACTUALLY do damage, both to towers and people.

