General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion


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    doc joferlyn simp

      doc joferlyn simp

        You fucking failure.


          Other bae


            I was basically trying to find hotd replacement
            Wasn't playing that seriously




                U dont replace hotd


                  Ya I can
                  I'll start going for soul ring VG on jugg everytime I play him and nothing can stop me!!!!!1111
                  Except the shame of having 1k mmr


                    Actually I would only do the xboct build if I tryhard 5stack and the team requires a frontliner and jugg is the only hero that fits that role in the team


                      4 stats may not seem so bad. But they nerfed satyr creep. Fuk that. That creep was so good. Gud to see haffy playing again. Rip parents. How did u hide the bodies?


                        on support weaver i think diff > deso any time since u get medallion and diff has far better utility than deso

                        then again aghs is better than both i think

                        honestly i think u can still deal respectable damage on heroes with diff because youre weaver

                        i used to play urn weaver even on a core pos 1 role btw


                          I play urn spectre but that doesn't mean I play support spectre

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            This week I played a grand total of 3 games, when I used to play 4 in weekdays and 10 in weekends.

                            Didn't kill them, I need them to pay the bills for now. lmao


                              Urn weaver is really good btw. Esp since u can kinda roam w weaver. Early medallion does a lot of dmg too. And u don't have to use timelapse on yourself. Just urn up. If you don't go urn you're basically trying to fight more and just make use of the lower cd and use lapse on yourself. Eventually you'd have to get more dmg tho. Support weavers can get diffusal 4th or 5th item. Gitgud

                              FREE PALESTINE

                                Inb4 someone starts playing roaming spectre

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  Well fuck Diffusal I want to shoot out red lasers.

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    Urn Weaver? I find Bottle much better since Runes are everywhere, and spamming Shukuchi since I don't get boots means I need something to solve my mana problems.

                                    After Wraith Band I bought a Ward and a Bottle then fucked with WK farm, maybe that's because I didn't stay in lane that much and found Runes to be abundant.


                                      I feel like urn is core if u go like pos 4/5. U really need the regen. It also gives mana regen btw. Bottle is good too I agree but not mandatory. Think it's just preference. Just go solar instead of trying to do dmg with red lasers if ur supporting kek


                                        Wtf are u trying to show with your outdated weaver raj


                                          That butterfly is a great item. Also theres my bloodthorn weaver game in there

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            Butterfly is a great item but I see it as a win-more item, not a core. As Weaver you have sufficient damage with Shukuchi, Geminate, and Beetle minus damage. You don't really need evasion. You can get away from physical attacking just fine. What you do need is more HP, or a way to stop the only thing that can touch you (spells).

                                            So if you are ahead already by a wide margin even if you get stunned enemy doesn't have enough physical DPS to kill you, you just get stunned and rape them. You can rape them with more agility + do cheeky get aways with evasion.

                                            Now if both teams are equal in terms of farm, one stun and you might get shredded by all the shit they can dish out. Better get a survivability item, a Linken's Sphere or a BKB so that you can continue attacking/escape do what you want.


                                              How can a normal human being have 460 gpm with 88% winrate and 7 kda
                                              Cuck getting carried every game pffft


                                                Yo johann how's your bws-esque dota life

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  3 games since jan 24


                                                    I never feel like i need any specific item as weaver so i end up with butterfly as default lmao

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      Then you aren't thinking hard enough. Do some Cookie-time and get analytical.

                                                      What I do when I'm just waiting for a game is visualize my itemization at the loading in screen.


                                                        How can a normal human being have 460 gpm with 88% winrate and 7 kda
                                                        Cuck getting carried every game pffft

                                                        you called?


                                                          fuck i bought a seraph because i couldnt get it at all even after 20-ish packs fuck this

                                                          now im broke af again but at least i have ONE seraph right


                                                            Wow haffy weaver so good. Your kkda is really high

                                                            SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                              very naize memes




                                                                  HEART OF THE CARDS

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    idk how someone can fuck up playing Weaver. You have two escape abilities that can be done by pressing a button. You naturally hit hard, and you are able to give vision to targets with Beetle.

                                                                    Man if I had the mental strength to brainlessly spam a hero I'd play Weaver probably.


                                                                      Do it. And see if u get past 3k. I doubt you can do it.

                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                        Guys how to post video?
                                                                        I saw raj irl.

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                                                                          Think I got some of my friends hooked to playing doto although I don't play that much
                                                                          Expect some new member

                                                                          1-IceTea 🌟
                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                              Good for bws then. Almost all of my friend quit doto because they suck more than me. I almost beat a 4 year guy that 1vs 1 me mid as sf. It was my 3-5 game of sf and i almost won by 2-1 when he bought a surprise fairie fire and beat my with his 23hp sf. Hes 4k btw


                                                                                He's 4k and he lost to a guy who lost against one of the worst 1v1er in the history of dota with storm against a PA


                                                                                  RAJ IS HAPPY AF FOR SURE HAHAHA


                                                                                    Ikr. Btw storm is one of my worst hero aside from timber.
                                                                                    Raj man. Feelsfuckinggoodman.


                                                                                      Raj was like "i did this every day man, 1 grill wasnt enough for my tralala,

                                                                                      And btw u have a nice ass"

                                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                        Nah Raj was thristy af and thinking of bang bang everytime that why his first action was that HAHAHA RAJ




                                                                                            so this is where the cancer boys spam?

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              we spam push and pull in yo momma's ass son


                                                                                                What cancer?