General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

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      Quickie farm

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      死の恐怖 Haseo

        死の恐怖 Haseo


            1-IceTea 🌟

              Doesn't on Dotabuff few days,and SEAtard has summit it self to mess videos shit post like Ayy LMAO


                We are not ayylame-o


                  Ayy lmao video shitpost almost killed the thread


                    I only could play on 1:30 based on your time


                      Dota sucks!


                        cant play on that time



                          mr. rabbit


                            finally starting to know how to outplay hard counters

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                            BSJ. LGD

                              ma de ma de ma de ma de ma de ma de ma de madae


                                I mean 12:30 in your time. Freaking confused xD


                                  Offlaner cucked against hard counters is still better than pos 1 cuckrd against hard counters

                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                    ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame ame


                                      831 gpm FeelsGoodMan
                                      this is after laning with a clinx fyi


                                        I predickt u r 800 mmr. Grats


                                          Kills = skill


                                            Predick meine mmre




                                                Hey fx race me to 3k


                                                  Time to spamme invokre phase midas aghs exhort quas rush


                                                    Aight lets race to 3k bois


                                                      Either I get to 3k from 3.6k or from 2.2k ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        Fuck my parents broke me. I don't have any drive to play Dota at all now


                                                          Give me your items


                                                            Explain how pls

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              I can't. Before I fapped to all the greens in my match page but now I can't do that. Now I can only fap to my items

                                                              It's all that's left of my once respectable epeen


                                                                once respectable epeen


                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  >they ground me
                                                                  >want me to go out and play basketball or go do shit with my friends irl
                                                                  >only let me go out of the house when i check in with them every interval of an hour by calling them myself and making a friend say something to them over the phone as proof
                                                                  >pressure me about how every other kid that they know of is hitting the gym, and that im tall enough now i need to get rid of my baby fat
                                                                  >claims my grades lowered because of the game, when in fact the peak of my grades were achieved when i was still playing dota
                                                                  >says dota is unhealthy since i wont be able to bond with people like how i would bond with people during a physical activity
                                                                  >recounts stories of how people they know have had their lives ruined because of an addiction like dota
                                                                  >always saying "in my age we were going around doing [insert something about not playing videogames] and [insert something about anything related to physical development]"
                                                                  >tells me my sister graduated as a valedictorian and learned both dialects of chinese as well, while i was only able to squeeze in the top 50 of the school during the culmination of junior high school
                                                                  >disappointing looks are thrown my way if they see me sitting in the monitor watching any game (paladins, dota, sv, etc)
                                                                  >laughs at me when i watch anime/any movie besides action ones, saying im "bataut", which means childish in english. like thats a bad thing lul

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    I'd bitch more but what's the point. Can't tell my irl friends because I'm too embarrassed, I need somewhere to vent my frustrations


                                                                      God bless


                                                                        Let it go

                                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                          how old are you haffy? just leave the house, get a job & start living alone . my parent was like that too

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            I'm 16. I can't fucking wait for college I'll go somewhere far away. Right now I'm just boiling in a pot of self-loathing and anger directed towards nothing in particular, but angry nonetheless


                                                                              He's 15 or 16 rn


                                                                                Just fap. It helps ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                  I've been through that phase , my dad was over protective & I can't do shit since I'm still young and live with him . sometime I feel angry for no reason , hate myself and think why am I born in this family . keep calm & live your life to the fullest :)


                                                                                    you got to give them a break though. Theyre just probably worried about their son locked up indoors for most of his childhood


                                                                                      Yo same


                                                                                        Mine is worse. My parent says dota is drugs and devils. Eventually i fucking rage quit at school and got an f every single subject. Now they are just tired of me and leave me alone. I still gonna go great at final exam like usual xD

                                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                          BOI MY 3RD SISTER GOES TO SUMMER MATH TUTORING (not required by the school but she just wants to) AND MY 2ND SISTER GOES FOR GUITAR LESSONS

                                                                                          I'M ALONE FOR 4 OF THE 7 DAYS IN THE WEEK. I HAVE THE HOUSE ALL TO MYSELF. DURING THESE TIMES I FAP ABOUT 3-4 EACH FUCKING DAY. I'M WORRIED SOMETHING MIGHT HAPPEN TO MY BALLS OR DICK

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                                                                                            I'M ALONE FOR 4 OF THE 7 DAYS IN THE WEEK.

                                                                                            Time to pley dora 2

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              1) Parents hire a technician to check the PC for viruses each month, though I know that that guy is just watching out if I download games
                                                                                              2) I have no money to go to a net cafe
                                                                                              3) Fapping brings relief to stress because at least I can watch 1080p porn movies without fear of being interrupted for at least 4 hours


                                                                                                My grades aren't real good right now and my parents took away my keyboard and the power cord to my computer until the end of the school year, and of course it's after I've spent ten bucks on the battle pass.


                                                                                                  Hit the gym study and play dota. It's possible