General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    I thought i got the worst parent. Why the heck they would take your keyboard just buy another one its only like 10$here. And why they would take the power cord away. You need pc or laptop to do school things
    Can you just download it and put it with folders inside folder inside folder. They wouldnt see that shit ofc.

    doc joferlyn simp

      ^^Yeah it's possible. I was able to play for an hour and a half earlier today, but I'd rather just keep my MMR rather than lose 25 each day.

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        Git a girl. Dota and chill for 4 hours ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

        Seriously, really sounds like you need some female companionship is all

        doc joferlyn simp

          Oh, did I also mention I had a potato PC that was meant for office work. It is 10 years old, and the components in the CPU are even older. When I was playing Paladins some graphics were just pink, I looked it up and apparently it's because of my potato PC's weak processing ability

          Edit: The object of my affection is in the USA right now. She'll come back to the Philippines a week before school start lul. Well we chat daily but it's just not the same. I don't want to hog her time when she could be out getting an autograph from Luke Hemmings or some shit

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          mr. rabbit

            i dont rly understand why dota is such a big bad thing to some parents lmao. my parents were like that too when i was younger but i was rly flunking tests so it kinda helped me but nowadays they just let me be as long as i still do what i have to do


              Make a folder
              Download game
              Put game in folder
              Change icon of folder to make it look like some sort of important system file
              For extra caution, turn on hide option for folder AND contents
              Thats basically how i hid my dota1 stash in the school computers

              Dont follow fx method, amateur hiding skeelz

              Овај коментар је измењен

                just stop playing dota, trust me

                mr. rabbit

                  so ur dick is in the US?


                    So haffy when will the collage that for you? Or can you just say i need laptop to do school work but i need the lastest windows

                    mr. rabbit

                      just stop dota, follow what ur parents say. look at the bright side, its not worth it to continue playing dota if we're gonna argue again why wr is bad xd

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        I have stopped playing Dota, kitty

                        No my thoughts are in the US. My dick is in my hands every day fapping to the same bullshit every video, and I hate that I find it so entertaining. It is literally one of the most primal and animalistic of our modern pasttimes and here I am enjoying it each time like it's my first


                          Pogchamp doggo.
                          Umm do you have handphones? Just join the wa group xD

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            I don't think I can stop playing Dota. With school coming again I'll have more freedom to do what I want. But the excuses lol I don't want to start lying to my parents about where I am. If I do there's like this heaviness in my chest

                            Maybe I'll suck it up and see if I can get over this lol

                            mr. rabbit

                              serious question, what is WRONG with your parents

                              they want you to go OUTSIDE when its SUMMER in a TROPICAL country

                              do they secretly want to murder you or something, cuz this summer heat is definitely going to kill me some time soon, i actually feel like my head's splitting up when i got outside

                              mr. rabbit

                                u can stop playing dota

                                if u play league with me

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  Nigga do you think I play on a plain court during the summer??? No silly we play on a covered court. It is still hot but we play in the shade

                                  Alice when's the last time you went out lul

                                  mr. rabbit

                                    3 hours ago, thank you very much

                                    im enrolled in summer school, i left diff calc last semester


                                      Ohhhh alicia silly u, wanna get skin color niBBa like the handsome brown fucks like me apoop and raj are?


                                        how warm is it where you guys live?

                                        mr. rabbit

                                          i have classes everyday from 730 to 300, but 930 to 1230 is vacant cuz college, schedules are messed up

                                          so i play in those hours + after school

                                          mr. rabbit

                                            42 degrees in my place


                                              Probably 38 peak where Im from

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                28°C here according to Google


                                                  Oi penge txm8, kakabagot ampota


                                                    dang, it's like 20° here

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      Man that's close to our airconditioner temperature lol. Even at 18° without a blanket I feel my balls would freeze over


                                                        it's kinda cool. But can walk in just a t-shirt when it's sunny right now. But i wouldn't leave the house wihtout a light jacked


                                                          I have a laptop that I use for school, I pretty much use my pc exclusively for games.


                                                            PREPARE DANK MEME BOMBARDMENT ON AYYLAMEO


                                                              no please


                                                                Hanging out with your friends at the net cafe is healthy social activity

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  gigalul Right now the only distinction I see between these two threads are how the other one is older

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    Hanging out with your friends at the net cafe is healthy social activity

                                                                    Exactly my core point during the whole of my parents' and my argument, dunno how they think


                                                                      and the fact that one is European and the other is sea.


                                                                        I lurk this one when I'm bored, and right now I'm really bored


                                                                          Ayy lmao have their own youtube link spammer
                                                                          We don't

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            Iirc Bearcat and Daddy are Americans lul.

                                                                            Apart from that yeah I guess the nationalities can be taken into account


                                                                              i think renshin might qualify bws


                                                                                Arguing with parents is a futile exercise. The whole point of it is to teach you to eventually get what you want through meaningful actions. The sooner you learn this the happier you will be.

                                                                                Parents exist as an obstacle for you to learn that you do what you want by proving yourself through actions and not by words

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  Confession: I watch all the videos that are spammed in Ayy Lmao in one giant post just to see have some laughs when the forum is slow


                                                                                    I mean I'm pretty sure that both threads have their share of Americans


                                                                                      Basically barter with them for your free time. Take your grandma for a haircut for an hour of dota. Do the laundry for a week. Study 20 hours for a test. Etc


                                                                                        i don't think any of the common posters on ayy lmao are american.
                                                                                        allison, spunky, aimstrong, triple, arin and me are all european

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                                                                                          If we have a myriad of europeans in ayy lmao, does the european union have a dotabuff proxy?


                                                                                            maybe not then, I tend to forget a lot that this is an international forum.


                                                                                              I mean, do we have brits outcasted in lmao


                                                                                                I think this is the busiest I've ever seen this thread


                                                                                                  havoc is a brit technically. Not sure where he lives right now though

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    Man you should have seen when Adrian, Tennessee, Ashrel, and a bunch of other dudes posting during similar times. For a while there was legit game-related discussion