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96 коментара

    Timbersaw is a very good counter as well. Both in laning phase when u can easily deal enough pure damage to kill him and you can chain away from pounces to take very little damage yourself. Even with ult you can see where Slark is walking and thus deal your dmg and slow him down.

    Of course if slark gets too much advantage timbersaw will die to skull bash + essence shift.


      morph is underrated vs slark...though just 2k opinion xD


        Radiance carriers can manfight him usually,but I dont think thats enough to rape his ass down to the sideline without buyback

        dragazo_ (Clausolas)

          Last. FeelsMan

          Dr. Banana

            Slardar? Dunno much about the game though. Also pl and ck always caused problems for me as slark.

            ✪ FreeDomG2a ◥►.◄◤

              simple to counter slark, just go for magnus and techies combo or invoker.


                Thanks to writer, when I saw "slark is not overpowered" I stopped reading this. Now I Quit and won't comeback ever again.

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                  just use ck or pl


                    OSfrog hero


                      I lost so many games against Slark bcs idiots supports thinks that wards (both obs and sentrys) are not necessary against slark.
                      He raped my team so many times.
                      fuck that hero

                      Gentlemen, corn

                        Pick Lesh, Ult, Win


                          Support kunkka is great against him, he cant dispell x-mark, and wr with diffusial blade can burn all his mana


                            Enigma + Elder Titan = EZ slark

                            move look

                              Its funny how none of the heroes on this list of counters comes close to countering slark compared to Sand King, Antimage, Riki, Spirit Breaker, Enigma, Void, Elder Titan, Lina, and Leshrac

                              Ancient Apparition and Wyvern are actually both bad picks against slark....

                              Doom, Legion, and Necrophos can be considered counters to literally every hero in the game, so including them is pretty stupid as they aren't especially strong against Slark at all.

                              Bloodseeker is a shit hero and if you pick him just to counter slark then you are probably going to lose.

                              The only counter listed that I actually agree with is disruptor, and you could make a case for axe.

                              Idk why a useless article like this exists and if you make one, at least include heroes that are actually good against slark...

                              Овај коментар је измењен
                              FausT =EIZO=

                                u forgot one: enigma's black hole

                                Mr. Swag

                                  Ez dead with axe

                                  The Sun is an Eldritch God

                                    "Not OP." lololol. The best I can think of is to wait out his q and then disable him for a support running away from slark,

                                    Mina Inverse

                                      Thank you for this article. As a support I always ban him during my ranked games. He is my bane as Rubick is my most played hero.


                                        Arc warden, THE SOLUTION!


                                          Heros that can produce multiple amounts of stuns can counter slark. I do not find doom a counter since you can just duke into trees and regen up

                                          Raul Lemos

                                            slark is imba hero


                                              DropDead.EXE 20 hours ago
                                              Thank god bloodseeker was on this list, I'm not the only one who wrecks against slark with him

                                              Dude with you winrate and normal skill bracket..and your KDA..and(put in anything) hardly wreck anyone.


                                                >Slark is not necessarily an overpowered hero


                                                  Spectre :)


                                                    No zeus? Or the ultimate perma hex tinker? Hayz this is must be joke even lina not in there nor sven who could kill him instantly


                                                      am and pl


                                                        its not slark, its just the new items and how it can progress to slark's early to mid-game so well


                                                          R u the new "relax you are fine" ?


                                                            Who cares about slark now that this is out, what about the Battle Pass p2w map?!


                                                              Omni is definitely a very hard counter to slark. Heal bomb and repel and ult gg no Re.


                                                                Slarks ability to solo kill, doesnt make him OP. Many heroes can do that. Suggesting heroes to counter him is great, but typically you wont be given the luxury to have a first pick Slark. I think his most OP ability is being able to determine where wards are on the map and tell his Zeus buddy to deward.

                                                                When you don't have the option to counter pick Slark, you need to look at items that counter him. If you are a support, ghost scepter, Euls, Glimmer cape, necronomicon, and Solar Crest are all good choices.


                                                                  Lol , iam laughing so hard at sir swirl comment about "JUKING WHEN U DOOMED AND REGEN UP" u know doom disable all abilities and passive?

                                                                  ♿Sister Fister

                                                                    ^ Doom disables passives if he has an Aghs.

                                                                    §ȺŁ₸ƴ ʗȺǷͲѧΐԤ

                                                                      abbadon does relatively well too. just saying.

                                                                      §ȺŁ₸ƴ ʗȺǷͲѧΐԤ

                                                                        when fighting against a slark consider getting stats- that's what makes slark "overpowered" is the stat steal. Yes, if an Int hero has 10 str stolen from him thats 200 hit points, loss of regen, etc. Of course slark is OP when you have 20 str out of 30... get stats vs slark = slark dead. stun/slow and vision = slark dead. Good ward placement = Slark Dead.... Seriously, he's not that hard to beat. Try planning is all.


                                                                          Void's 2nd skill is awesome vs Slark as well. Cast it after dark pact ends.


                                                                            omg wtf?

                                                                            ♿Sister Fister

                                                                              Abbadon is the best source of free agility stacks for Slark. Get stats while lowering Abbadon's hp, get stats while repleneshing his hp, get stats while lowering his hp again and finish off with an easy kill, then continue the fight with 3 bonus eagle songs.


                                                                                i actually won 2 of my recent games against slark using disruptor lol


                                                                                  Slark is really not the hero that needs special mentioning - I assume easily 20% of heroes can be considered counters if played properly.

                                                                                  That's been said, many heroes I can think of can easily become a victim of a farmed slark.

                                                                                  An orchid / BKB slark (which will most certainly be the case when facing "counters" like Storm, QoP, AM, Lina, Invoker, Void or even a Clinkz...) can suddently become the counter to those during early to mid - and pretty much every support for that matter.


                                                                                    Ez slark. Pick timber then he'll fucked up. So ez even my mom can beat slark with timber


                                                                                      and what about Oracle? It's way much better than WW i think.


                                                                                        always pick earthshaker,thank me later!

                                                                                        @mri ﮎƬ@rk

                                                                                          Void is best counter for slark but u shud use dilation after a 1st pounce then after his ulti kill him at crono.If there is slark as oponent u shud hav more stunners to disable him then ez win


                                                                                            Problem is
                                                                                            "IO WIN = 25 MMR"
                                                                                            "SLARK WIN = 25MMR"
                                                                                            What is the point ?
                                                                                            Slark has 10 counter hero
                                                                                            IO has 100 counter hero
                                                                                            Are u kidding me ?
                                                                                            SLARK PLAYER = IO PLAYER ?
                                                                                            MMR SYSTEM IS USELESS

                                                                                            Armando Broncas

                                                                                              If you really need an specialized guide to deal with him HE IS OPVER POWERED IMBECILE.