612182891441011161357Talent TreeTar Bomb Multishot25-9s Strafe Cooldown+40 Strafe Attack Speed20+350 Death Pact Bonus Health+1 Death Pact Charge15+75 Attack Range-4s Skeleton Walk Cooldown10+0.75s Strafe DurationTalent TreeTar Bomb Multishot25-9s Strafe Cooldown+40 Strafe Attack Speed20+350 Death Pact Bonus Health+1 Death Pact Charge15+75 Attack Range-4s Skeleton Walk Cooldown10+0.75s Strafe Duration13Talent TreeTar Bomb Multishot25-9s Strafe Cooldown+40 Strafe Attack Speed20+350 Death Pact Bonus Health+1 Death Pact Charge15+75 Attack Range-4s Skeleton Walk Cooldown10+0.75s Strafe Duration15Talent TreeTar Bomb Multishot25-9s Strafe Cooldown+40 Strafe Attack Speed20+350 Death Pact Bonus Health+1 Death Pact Charge15+75 Attack Range-4s Skeleton Walk Cooldown10+0.75s Strafe Duration20
345716892121314111618Talent Tree+250 Starstorm Damage25+2 Multishot Sacred Arrows+35 Base Damage20-20s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown+90 Leap Attack Speed15Moonlight Shadow gives +20% Evasion+150 Leap Distance10-2s Starstorm CooldownTalent Tree+250 Starstorm Damage25+2 Multishot Sacred Arrows+35 Base Damage20-20s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown+90 Leap Attack Speed15Moonlight Shadow gives +20% Evasion+150 Leap Distance10-2s Starstorm Cooldown10Talent Tree+250 Starstorm Damage25+2 Multishot Sacred Arrows+35 Base Damage20-20s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown+90 Leap Attack Speed15Moonlight Shadow gives +20% Evasion+150 Leap Distance10-2s Starstorm Cooldown15Talent Tree+250 Starstorm Damage25+2 Multishot Sacred Arrows+35 Base Damage20-20s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown+90 Leap Attack Speed15Moonlight Shadow gives +20% Evasion+150 Leap Distance10-2s Starstorm Cooldown20
189102357411131461218Talent Tree-8s Snowball Cooldown2512% Chance Walrus Punch+75% Walrus Punch Crit20-6s Ice Shards Cooldown+120 Snowball Damage15+325 Health+0.75s Walrus Punch Stun Duration10+2s Tag Team DurationTalent Tree-8s Snowball Cooldown2512% Chance Walrus Punch+75% Walrus Punch Crit20-6s Ice Shards Cooldown+120 Snowball Damage15+325 Health+0.75s Walrus Punch Stun Duration10+2s Tag Team Duration15Talent Tree-8s Snowball Cooldown2512% Chance Walrus Punch+75% Walrus Punch Crit20-6s Ice Shards Cooldown+120 Snowball Damage15+325 Health+0.75s Walrus Punch Stun Duration10+2s Tag Team Duration16Talent Tree-8s Snowball Cooldown2512% Chance Walrus Punch+75% Walrus Punch Crit20-6s Ice Shards Cooldown+120 Snowball Damage15+325 Health+0.75s Walrus Punch Stun Duration10+2s Tag Team Duration20
1812162014252357Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack DamageTalent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage4Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage6Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage9Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage10Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage11Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage13Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage15Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage18
13111359142478612Talent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic ResistanceTalent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic Resistance10Talent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic Resistance15
291416371113145861218Talent Tree+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana RegenTalent Tree+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen10Talent Tree+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen15Talent Tree+0.8s Reverse Polarity Stun Duration25+10% Empower Damage/Cleave+15% Skewer Damage Per Distance Travelled20+125 Shockwave Damage-5s Skewer Cooldown15+12 All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity+1.25s Skewer Slow Duration10+1.5 Mana Regen20
313141628911145761218Talent Tree+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All StatsTalent Tree+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All Stats10Talent Tree+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All Stats15Talent Tree+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All Stats20Talent Tree+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All Stats25
289111457313141661218Talent TreeDoom applies Break25Doom applies Mute+2.5% Infernal Blade Max HP As Damage20-10s Scorched Earth CooldownDevour Can Target Ancients15+5% Scorched Earth Movement Speed+0.2s Infernal Blade Stun Duration10Devour grants 15% Magic ResistanceTalent TreeDoom applies Break25Doom applies Mute+2.5% Infernal Blade Max HP As Damage20-10s Scorched Earth CooldownDevour Can Target Ancients15+5% Scorched Earth Movement Speed+0.2s Infernal Blade Stun Duration10Devour grants 15% Magic Resistance10Talent TreeDoom applies Break25Doom applies Mute+2.5% Infernal Blade Max HP As Damage20-10s Scorched Earth CooldownDevour Can Target Ancients15+5% Scorched Earth Movement Speed+0.2s Infernal Blade Stun Duration10Devour grants 15% Magic Resistance15Talent TreeDoom applies Break25Doom applies Mute+2.5% Infernal Blade Max HP As Damage20-10s Scorched Earth CooldownDevour Can Target Ancients15+5% Scorched Earth Movement Speed+0.2s Infernal Blade Stun Duration10Devour grants 15% Magic Resistance20
235711131416148961218Talent Tree-1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay25Tempest Double Has No Penalties-7s Magnetic Field Cooldown20+40% Spark Wraith Damage+25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed15+20% Flux Slow+200 Health10+200 Flux Cast RangeTalent Tree-1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay25Tempest Double Has No Penalties-7s Magnetic Field Cooldown20+40% Spark Wraith Damage+25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed15+20% Flux Slow+200 Health10+200 Flux Cast Range10Talent Tree-1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay25Tempest Double Has No Penalties-7s Magnetic Field Cooldown20+40% Spark Wraith Damage+25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed15+20% Flux Slow+200 Health10+200 Flux Cast Range15Talent Tree-1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay25Tempest Double Has No Penalties-7s Magnetic Field Cooldown20+40% Spark Wraith Damage+25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed15+20% Flux Slow+200 Health10+200 Flux Cast Range20Talent Tree-1s Spark Wraith Activation Delay25Tempest Double Has No Penalties-7s Magnetic Field Cooldown20+40% Spark Wraith Damage+25 Magnetic Field Attack Speed15+20% Flux Slow+200 Health10+200 Flux Cast Range25
313141524571891061218Talent Tree+8 Mortimer Kisses Launched25+60% Lil' Shredder Attack Damage+60 Mortimer Kisses Impact Damage20+=2 Lil' Shredder Targets-4s Firesnap Cookie Cooldown15+1 Lil' Shredder attacks+25 Mortimer Kisses Debuff DPS10+70 Scatterblast DamageTalent Tree+8 Mortimer Kisses Launched25+60% Lil' Shredder Attack Damage+60 Mortimer Kisses Impact Damage20+=2 Lil' Shredder Targets-4s Firesnap Cookie Cooldown15+1 Lil' Shredder attacks+25 Mortimer Kisses Debuff DPS10+70 Scatterblast Damage11Talent Tree+8 Mortimer Kisses Launched25+60% Lil' Shredder Attack Damage+60 Mortimer Kisses Impact Damage20+=2 Lil' Shredder Targets-4s Firesnap Cookie Cooldown15+1 Lil' Shredder attacks+25 Mortimer Kisses Debuff DPS10+70 Scatterblast Damage16