General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    ^nice job winning vs farmed luna and SF. I've been playing jugger a lot recently and I've come to the conclusion that aghs is a sub-optimal item, especially for its cost. WIth 4200 gold you can get a blink and have 2000 gold towards another item such as abyssal. Just my opinion. I also prefer manta over S&Y for pushing rather than fighting - you have anough damage already and blink means you dont need a slow in s&y.

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Unreal shitting on kids. But no BoT II ✳

      U are all dogshit

        Such impact much wow


          Nice smurf bro

          U are all dogshit

            Don't pusy out of getting divine and u jelly?


              ez carry ez lyf?


                Slark fucked u guys up


                  i bet u were having dilemma wether to duel am or pugna in 5 v 5 clash


                    Pugna didnt use his W on someone I was dueling once


                      Thread bump, this thread is great dont kill it


                        Good game. Feeded by Leshrac and ES. Could have had better farm


                          You clearly snowballed early and carried your team damn well. Two Rapiers though bro? Are you arteezy XD


                            Nice Farm. Decent Carry. Ench snowballed the game.

                            And Lol... Just for fun :P

                            Paid actor

                              ez TA game ;D...normal skill tho >.<...ggwp overall

                              U are all dogshit

                                I also wonder how to make qop have more impact cuz I love that hero. This was an euls game but also an Orchid game, don't forget to farm.


                                  You chose the 3rd option at game start or you moved from LoL. Anyway, your game was abandoned, so nothing to say really. You rushed Ghost Scepter which was a very sane thing to do with Jug in the game. Your team was pretty good, WK was probably making AB while NS going for Rad.


                                    i guess chaoshype paid 100$ to mmr assasins to get that win, or they all were drunk af

                                    Welt aus Eis

                                      seems like you did well overall judging from your cs, hd and td. but what the fuck is that invoker build


                                        OD + good player = +25


                                          Nice winstreak m8
                                          Qop carried you early and you won late easy.
                                          Who picks PA as the only carry against a hero that usually buys mkb anyway? Easy game for gyro.


                                            This guy probably posts clips of him hooking the idiotic enemy team online.


                                              ^I should do, last game had a blink + blind hook into fog



                                                I feel that the enemy must have fucked up real bad somehow for you to get that sort of KDA against a team with multiple stuns/slows etc while you built a shadowblade (when your team already had nyx so they should have been buying sentries), and getting a battlefury instead of a bkb.

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  You did a lot as phoenix helping your PA win the fights and end the game


                                                    this is tough...
                                                    your team was really bad and you didn't manage to win even if you did a great job.
                                                    Anyway I'm sure you must have done something wrong, but everyone does, this is one of those games you almost can't win


                                                      @take me higher

                                                      Enemy team was new. I got an early lead (first blood) with Omni and kinda led my team everywhere (those Boots of Travel m8), so it was like that yo.

                                                      Shadowblade Riki

                                                        Nice, another single draft player.

                                                        Although your build is a little funky though - 2 kinds of boots and a magic wand. :\

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          @Shadowblade Riki

                                                          Those are Guardian Greaves, not Boots. xD Just saying, no problemo.

                                                          Please don't give me match feedback, I was just replying.

                                                          ✪ alex

                                                            why would you freaking use bkb to undying for those kinds of enemies? lol


                                                              Nice heals and kept up in farm even as a supp. Too bad the opposite team stomped over u guys


                                                                Your tean really has great teamfight also ember lich and magnus combo wow


                                                                  Excuse me but Pugna ulti?...


                                                                    Aether lens is an amazing on Sky wp

                                                                    but i don't recommend an immediate aghs right after because you can't sustain it, a blink/force/atos could have given you the extra tools needed to make more of an impact

                                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                      Divine rapiers!!!!

                                                                      Thank you for using my favorite item and giving me hope that in the future I could use it in ranked too!))))))


                                                                        You're a smurf spamming riki and losing almost all games in normal skill.

                                                                        Honestly you might want to kill yourseIf.

                                                                        Go back to your main account.

                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                          I'm not a smurf.

                                                                          And it's not okay to tell people to kill themselves. I'm gonna report you for that.

                                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                            You did good, but you should have ended the game earlier. Your team should have picked a counter to ember to avoid him farming so much. I'm not able to see many information because this game happened 2 months ago

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                              If ur not a smurf then stop playing riki. Try different heroes. Clearly he isn't working for you. Try wraith king.

                                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                Riki is working great for me. He's the only hero I can actually hold my own on.


                                                                                  So you tried BH and PA ... o n c e and decided your 33% win rate hero is working for you?

                                                                                  100% you're a troll. Nobody is this stupid.

                                                                                  PS if you want to troll games play Oracle. You can literally play against your team. Use your heal tl steal LH and then feed mid game when your Bounty is high.

                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                    I just carried a game as Riki.

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      ^You didn't, bounty pushed, that's why you won, if he didn't push you would've fucking lost. You're in no position to carry games even at 300-500 MMR.

                                                                                      Paid actor

                                                                                        ^abbandoned as dazzle >.<, idk if it was intentional or had some network issues but not much to say i suppose.

                                                                                        Offtopic, its the third thread i see u bashing on that new guy, holyshit he is a beginner give him a break man.

                                                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                          it's fine, I play league, I'm used to it.

                                                                                          I have 1 abandon because university net lagged out for a while, I would never abandon intentionally.

                                                                                          @DaV great KDA last match, could have more tower damage, good lasthitting

                                                                                          offtopic: Spirit breaker and axe had the same tower damage as me

                                                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                            CAN SOMEONE TELL ME HOW AMAZING MY LAST EMBER GAME WAS>

                                                                                            I NEED CONFIRMATION.


                                                                                            Doctor Ead

                                                                                              You look sweaty
                                                                                              I mean, boy oh boy, really gj


                                                                                                Highest hero dmg in the game as Sand King, i guess you raped those dogshit players xD

                                                                                                Doctor Ead

                                                                                                  well, I don't consider it a nice game on SK
                                                                                                  I usually feel too powerful playing him, and that's the reason I had so many deaths this time because I overplayed myself
                                                                                                  sometimes you have to remember you can't go that much yolo on a teamfight character.


                                                                                                    Dont comment my slark game its no me playing but my bro

                                                                                                    @stay #noided
                                                                                                    Wp on winning the game ur sk really have a solid game i though ur team gonna lose bcause ur carry (riki) issnt quite farmed nevertheless wpwp