General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    probably play more carefully and backoff spam ur spells as skywrath , died kinda too many , since skywrath have too many armor


      Seems like a stomp to me, gratz!

      U are all dogshit

        Spectre failed, you might have come back had you held out a bit longer.


          Yeah nice smurf. Anyways looks like you didn't have to do too much seeing how the game was 5v3 but hey a win is a win


            34 denies, gj mate. You got everything you needed plus good itemization. Well done. *cookie*

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              You played sniper((((((
              Why play sniper?


                You probably did a lot of CC with smoke cloud, considering the lack of hero damage but high kill involvement.

                Riguma Borusu

                  ^Why play riki? Or dota, anyway.

                  One hour long game.
                  Fifty (50) last hits in an one hour game.
                  Probably a ton of kill steals to boost your GPM.
                  You buy rapier again trying to make daedalus since you can't even buy items properly.
                  Despite stacking ALL DAMAGE ITEMS exclusively in your build, you end up doing the SECOND LOWEST AMOUNT OF DAMAGE in the WHOLE MATCH, after their alchemist, being completely useless.

                  You're fucking shit, your build is shit, your stats are shit and you need to stop doing this fucking crap and play like a proper non brain damaged player.

                  You probably did a lot of CC with smoke cloud, considering the lack of hero damage but high kill involvement.

                  Nope, he tries to kill steal, but doesn't succeed every time xD He's a trash tard. Now since you posted while I was typing this, I will comment on your game too:

                  You played Nyx decently, creating space for your spectre, nice necro purchase, I actually like that, allows you to push and makes SF unable to waltz in and requiem you or your team. Overall nice stats, nice game.

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                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                    You play easy heroes like legion commander and pretend that you have skill because you spam super easy heroes and then you talk shit to other people acting like you're better than them. Amirite?

                    Riguma Borusu

                      Okay, so this is the first time a 300 MMR 30% winrate riki picking imbecile with a shit build has tried to actually trash talk me based on my skill, funny how he also can't read the title of the thrad to realize he's supposed to comment on the game, though I am thankful he didn't, because he can't interpret stats anyway. So, I guess this is in order:

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                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        You only got 2 kills in your last match. Get better at timing those last hits.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Yeah, I am so shit at killstealing as Dazzle, right :x I only got those two kills accidentally because I heal bombed people who ran into my team at low HP, but nvm.


                            Enemy Invoker got too big FeelsBadMan

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                            Swap Commends

                              Ez fucking right click heroes.
                              Good farm btw.


                                Enemy team abandoned. You had everything you needed. Gj.


                                  Seems like you tried to support your Team with wards and mek, low deaths aswell, that´s the way, keep going!


                                    invoked carried game. Nice gank frequency and successful rate as a support based on the highest assists and GPM. Shiver seems useless but I guess it doesn't matter at that point.

                                    Swap Commends

                                      Good farm
                                      How ever gyro and pudge <3 carried the game (early maybe)


                                        Seems like you rly carried that game, but i dont like Midas Build´s on safelane farmers..

                                        Swap Commends

                                          @Killing in the Name of
                                          Good fucking support + early dominate
                                          btw,I made midas in 3 mins :p

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                                            I personally don't like midas on Slark, but if you did really get it 3 minutes into the game then who can blame you? A decent performance in a ranked lobby with minimal deaths on a hero that tends to get focussed upon is really good. I also hate heart on Slark as you get such insane regen anyways from your ult. In my opinion a butterfly would have been a useful pickup as an alternative for a similar amount of gold! However it appears that you carried your team to victory so I should have little complaints really, good job.


                                              How do people even get 3 minute midases?

                                              Multiple assault cuirass on the same team isn't beneficial because the auras don't stack, maybe you should consider purchasing items that allow you to kite the enemy heroes like tiny, or even a solar crest to help buff yourself, debuff an enemy or help a teammate.



                                                Gj there stalling the game long enough for your Naga to come online. If only Necro plays safer, that game would be easier

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                                                The Nugget Collector

                                                  I'm not even sure how the hell you guys laned, I will assume you were solo and have a really passive lane, and when ursa said fuck this jungle you helped him/her get a shit ton of kills, really dunno how the hell those lanes where o.0

                                                  also nice most played hero.

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                                                    Wow. Nice job with pudge. Your team did great as well and it looks like you beat every lane. That weaverlooked like he got away a lot thought

                                                    Swap Commends

                                                      U and axe carried,Gj


                                                        Vanguard AC Pipe HotD DK

                                                        Literally no damage Kappa


                                                          Enemy team was potato. Well done, tho.

                                                          stupid fuck 2000

                                                            Looks like you just got bad matchups, no way to deal with dusa and weaver just shits on TA and Juggernaut.

                                                            Swap Commends

                                                              Nice fucking combo
                                                              good ember


                                                                Man you slaughtered them badly. They had a tiny lead in the beginning and that was it...

                                                                ✪ alex

                                                                  You went unstoppable but you were stopped lol nt


                                                                    To Sum it up, seems like Jungle lc sucks, not that much you could do about this game..


                                                                      Zeus and Spectre, even able to win the game when you are down to a single barracks. OSFrog.


                                                                        Spectre comeback rate is so high af... And for some reason, invo has so little last hits compared to lion.


                                                                          Say somethin' about mine. :P If you see the replay I accidentally sold my Radiance instead of drum lol


                                                                            Typical spectre game, that build on Np though :D


                                                                              Very unusual build. Vlad and Cuirass on Lich? Ok. xD
                                                                              I see that your carry Lich paid off, so well done.


                                                                                Nice Lich. You had the highest exp but you didn't have that many denies as a Lich.

                                                                                Invoker is such a fun hero to fight with or against. Once he gets his spells he controls the game effortlessly. Looks like you did just that.

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                                                                                  Nice Lich. You had the highest exp but you didn't have that many denies as Lich.

                                                                                  I had one deny, Lich had none.


                                                                                    So I comment on mikesalexjohn's last game.
                                                                                    I'm not very familiar with Oracle, but seems like you played well. I don't want to minorize your impact, but I guess that in normal skill people don't really know what to do when an enemy Oracle appears in front of them and what his skills do exactly.
                                                                                    Items look good, I think that rapier was just bought at the end because lol why not.


                                                                                      @Chaoshype, it wasn´t carry, i was offlane and i Build all the armor aura for the team, it helped a lot jugger slardar and slark did like no dmg with all the armor on us. It worked out extremely well

                                                                                      @ Kretschy, seems like you did a good job on your offlane, sven had only 99 lasthits, good job!

                                                                                      Swap Commends

                                                                                        early dominate.SAVAGE WINNING


                                                                                          SS fed all game, nothing u can do


                                                                                            @Crisp as absolute fuck, aghs on weaver is so good! I had so many clutch saves. Sadly they pushed while I was taking the last barracks. Darn that Arc Warden...

                                                                                            @Stephen Carry, good move going diffusal to counter omni. That divine had to be a 'just because' thing lol.

                                                                                            U are all dogshit

                                                                                              You had huge impact, Oracle is a nice hero to know, don't know how you will perform at higher mmr.


                                                                                                You did a great job closing that game out with DP, couldve kept the deaths down tho.

                                                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                  How tf do you only get 4 assists last game? How is that possible in dota?


                                                                                                    Hard to assist with 300 dmg rightclick with deso AC that can become 1500 crit


                                                                                                      normalskill stomp, nice but expected, I guess. I feel like you should have higher CS since you have both bfury and manta, but otherwise pretty solid game. you seem to have a really high KDA and WR on most of your heroes, are you queuing with friends or something to get into normal bracket?

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