General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Oddly low tower damage from a position one DK but your build was well made for the primary right clicker.


      good back up carry i'd say. thanks for the templar assassin for giving you the much needed space to farm and carrying the team xP


        Your opponent have Chaos, VS, Lion, Viper, and they let a Sniper got 26 kills wtf, one stun and Sniper will be dead meat, but.. but....

        Also your team got 4 greedy carry, still managed to win, I really don't understand what happened in this match.


          Solid win work on last hits


            You did well I can see. Only time your really want aghs on Zeus nowadays so its justified but I mean, they have one leaver and weaver with blademail so you didnt get challenged a hole lot tbh :)

            stupid fuck 2000

              You were 0-2 but you played ogre so in sure you did a lot for the team. Necro and Spectre went for really bad item builds so i guess it was an easy win.

              U are all dogshit

                2 farmed split pushers is the most annoying thing ever.


                  Looks like it was close game basically because their alch failed (which was probably due to you being an annoying little clinkz)
                  Still they had a morph, pa and space (natures), but looks like you and invoker combined well and never let them get comfortable, took objectives well and eventually won.

                  An amazing fucker buttfucker

                    u did not get any kills xddddd


                      Commenting OD Game:

                      Seems like it´s been a real cancer game, with Alch in Jungle on the one and Lc in the other team

                      But well after all you have stomped them i guess


                        Nice stomp, good farm, good KDA, great tower damage. Though, if youre farmed as Jugg, you should propably finish the game much faster.


                          When you look close at the game we´ve rly been struggeling early and we´rent too confident about going highground, and they all seemed to have no downtime at all, ursa wasnt even dead for 60 minutes at the end of the game it seemed to me like they died and instantly respawned after that.. :(

                          @ Your Game, Good Pugna, you´ve been mid i spose, Good job on controlling OD dont really like the Dagon pickup+upgrade, i think a mobility item or even a euls makes you much more viable, good game anyways!

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                          stupid fuck 2000

                            IO + LC/Ursa is a really nice combo and you had both. Looks like the game was very close though mostly because of OD being OD.


                              You did good, I wonder what was Spectre doing really. I conclude the enemy team was bs.

                              THE INFINITE COCK

                                You did well as spectre, i like that you got dispersion early as its an amazing skill that some players dont level. You did a very good job keeping up in last hits in addition to rolling heros down, alot of players will forgo last hits when farming heros as heavily and there item progression suffers, yours did not.


                                  Ez game ez life too bad it's not ranked.


                                    Looks like you managed to land some good arrow there. Easy game indeed.


                                      all their team feeded and your anti-mage did a great job carrying. This one is an easy game too!


                                        You tried your best to win this game, but your enemy had much better late game. You wrecked the stats in pretty much every way, cs, KDA, TD and HD, but you didnt really have items to do the job. Your Tidehunter did the classic "blink in, ravage, meka, refre, fuck no mana build" which led to a lot of lost team fights.

                                        I guess youre reallly mad about that game, but stay high. With this kind of performance youll win 10 another.


                                          good job carrying the game with your pugna with 20k hero damage and just abt as much tower damage as the NP.
                                          Wp overall

                                          stupid fuck 2000

                                            You know it was a stomp when the wisp went 8-3. Wp on the enigma, bought proper items and just did what an enigma should do.

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                                              Well i think that earth spirit was really annoying right? Blocked all your team movement


                                                Obviously whatever you did worked for THAT game but those are poor item choices and have absolutely no synergy with each other. Maybe you were just fucking around since it was a 100% win but don't do that stuff if you wanna get better.


                                                  its not that bad losing your last game..since your enemy picks zeus + spec...its kinda cheating


                                                    Why'd no one in your team take Diffusal? And AB before AS, always


                                                      The dire advantage and nice builds and farm was GG early on


                                                        Went into the lategame cause of techies with no proper carry.


                                                          roam riki - best riki.


                                                            looks like one shit-annoying viper. gahd I hate playing against vipers. And dem dif blades too. I could feel Omniknight give up on his hopes and dreams through my computer screen.

                                                            btw I'M CLOSE TO BEING 50% WINRATE ON MY TINKER WOOHOOOOOO


                                                              Noob invoker


                                                                Good Invoker i guess, good situational Mkb for the radi of wk, gj!


                                                                  atleast you managed to get a force staff and an ether mate

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                                                                    So you blame me for not farming enouhg as a pos 8 solo support, ok thx dude, gl further in your normal skill bracket

                                                                    @ Your omni, carry omni with sny, aghs and refresher, pure cancer :D

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                                                                      Just didn't work out, did it? All of your allies' builds are incomplete, sadd.


                                                                        seemed like an easy game once you got that deso, although there WAS an OD on your team so it should've been easy anyway, good job though

                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                          Good pick up on force staff. A rough game as venge tho. Kinda died a lot of times but u did wat u cudve done as venge.


                                                                            I'm not a big fan of Vanguard, but it's alright you picked it up, it's a good choice. (I prefer Drums) but why'd you need Skull Basher in your team when you have 3 stunners in your team (including Invo, who has one spell). You won the game before Manta, I've not been that lucky with my Spec games. Good number of last hits and more HD than Invo (wtf?!), so I guess you did well.

                                                                            stupid fuck 2000

                                                                              Went for good items, poor meepo didn't stand a chance. Should get better at farming though, sven with 230 cs at 46 minutes isn't very good.


                                                                                @cipri You won thanks to the medusa's great play. judging from your build and items you played as a core but kinda fed. I dont know what to say that wont offend you so imma stop at that


                                                                                  Not much to say. That troll Arc Warden ... i pity for your enemies
                                                                                  Free win for you


                                                                                    that huskar and invoker totally owned you. can't fault u on the feed if you're burning from spears and meatballs

                                                                                    stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                      Ignore this if you wanna be on topic.

                                                                                      @vietjesus, i wasn't playing carry, went offlane and i asked my team wether i should go dagger greaves, bh said he would buy greaves and everyone told me to just go one shot build (same way you do with shaker sometimes) and kill lion and leshrac every time we fight so that's what i did. I did die a lot before i got my items though because the lane was hard and if you look at their team you can see that they had a huge amount of stuns and they were always together so pick offs were kind of out of the question. So basically i went for the "make every team fight a 5v4" kind of tusk and tried to delay the game for medusa to get farmed.

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                                                                                        bukkake- 800 xpm 600 gpm, and you won. Good game


                                                                                          Hu hu hu arc Warden gg your injoker tho but you seem to have done good


                                                                                            Support Oracle with 5.8K hero healing, noice, noice.
                                                                                            Super ez game tho, Alch carried the hell out of your team.


                                                                                              maxing dispersion first smh
                                                                                              your cs is also really low


                                                                                                was solo laning - reason for dispersion max first.
                                                                                                went early build for ganking and kills. for having as much hero damage and tower damage as i had in under 40 minutes along with ~180 isn't bad, no?

                                                                                                Skip meh.


                                                                                                  thats not a valid reason. if you're being crushed in lane then you get dagger / desolate so you can participate in kills once you're 6. dispersion does not help you stay in lane, the extra damage prevention is not significant enough. even if it stops a death you still have to go back to base, heal and TP back in which is probably just as much time if not more as if you had died.

                                                                                                  and you did go for urn early on so it's not like you were trying to avoid fights and afk farm.


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                                                                                                    Ez game, Rhasta was lvl 2 after 20 minutes? Jungle legion.. nuff said